Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kim's Buffalo Blog Wednesday

Wednesday 10:32 AM


Things are improving slowly here in western New York.  While Buffalo is used to getting lake effect snow (honestly 20+ inches is a lot, but not all that uncommon here), what made this event so difficult is the fact that it came so early in the season with most of the trees having all their leaves on them.  The result has been major power outages.  At the height of the event there were as many as 400 thousand households without power.  As of this writing, that number has been reduced to a little over 100 thousand.  Unfortunately it may take until the end of this weekend before all the power gets restored.


It is amazing because some areas received as much as 30” of snow last Thursday, with a range of 8 – 22” surrounding the heaviest snow band, and practically all of it is gone.  There have been 12 deaths associated with the storm ranging from one person being struck by a falling tree limb, weather related traffic accidents, and now, carbon monoxide poisoning.  150 National Guard troops are helping out with tree removal and FEMA is meeting with local officials to make a determination on Major Disaster Declaration.


Yesterday I did some live shots for WGRZ’s noon, 5, and 6pm shows.  This morning I was back to forecasting the weather for their morning show.  It’s funny how easily I remembered how to pronounce some of the local towns around here.  Also, some of the localisms came right back; I automatically remembered to put a “the” in front of numbered highways.  For example people commute to work on “the 90” or drive in from “the 219”.  Could you imagine our traffic reporters saying “There is an accident on ‘the’ 495”?


Speaking of the forecast, today we’re getting a break from the rain – dry and in the 60s will go a long way towards evaporating all the moisture in the ground.  Unfortunately, more rain will likely be coming in by Thursday afternoon – something folks who are still without power (and thus the ability to use sump pumps in their flooded basements) don’t need.


I’m working the morning shift again tomorrow, then, I’m off to row in the head of the Charles in Boston.  I’m hoping the weather cooperates.  Enjoy the nice weather while you have it in DC and I’ll see you next week.



WUSA 9 Morning Meteorologist




At October 31, 2006 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting your own blog, Kim! I hope you will write again, even though you're back from Buffalo.


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