Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hello hello hello!

Between the glacier that seems to have consumed all of Frederick and the
4am live weather cut-ins last week, I seem to have gotten side tracked.

Let's see - first, Mike Walter and I will be at the Firehouse Grill in
Fairfax tonight to see a cool local band called "Second Wind". It would
be great to see you there; I'll have my camera with me. Maybe you'll
end up in a "9 Click" photo tomorrow morning. Even better, maybe we'll
get some more great pictures of Mike dancing. In case you missed it,
our cameras caught Mike and his wife, Kate, cutting up quite the rug
last week at the Shriner's fundraiser at Fat Tuesdays. Priceless!

Quick tonsils update - they seem to be recovering fine. However, I am
still taking antibiotics, so I'll know for sure in a week or two.
Thanks, by the way, for the emails and messages of "support". I even
learned that they can grow back if not removed all the way! And my
doctor, Dr. Yeh, tells me that George Washington basically died from
tonsillitis (!) Did you know that??

In other news, I think I finally got all three of Andrea Roane's dogs
straight: There is "Frosty" (love the weather name) who is the deaf one
with only one eye (poor thing.) Then there is Thumper the shihtzu with
red hair. He's apparently a little ball of fire zipping around the
yard. And finally there is the lone female of the group - "Daisy".
Good old Daisy dog is my kind of dog - a basset hound, she is known for
breaking into Andrea's refrigerator and stealing sandwiches, leaving
only the wrapper on the kitchen floor. See the *important* things you
miss if you're not watching in the mornings??

In weather news, it looks like milder Pacific air floods the nation.
We'll stay mainly in the 40s and 50s for the week. Maybe by then the
ice pack that glued Frederick cars to the streets will have subsided.
It will be nice to finally parallel park without scraping whatever-it-is
under my car, climbing up and over the various ice flows. Note to self:
have the "maintenance required" light checked on my car. Heads up Drew
at Alexandria Toyota - I'm coming in!

Okay, as usual, thanks for reading. Thanks for the emails. And thanks
so much for watching every morning!

PS - Don't forget - Dave Price (The Early Show Weather Man) will be live
in DC at the Air and Space Museum on Friday March 2nd. He'll be
giving away an "All Access Pass" dream trip! I'll be there, too, live
all morning, so come on down and say "hi". It should be fun!