Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Have you ever met a couple and, when asked "How did you two meet?", they roll their eyes and reluctantly tell you "In a bar."

Well, I can tell you I DID NOT MEET BEN IN A BAR (not that there is anything wrong with that!) But I suspect what I am about to reveal will be the new "in a bar" answer to the commonly-asked question for the next few decades. I am finding more and more couples share the same story as me and Ben.

I had romantic ideas of meeting my mate-for-life while hiking in New Zealand or, perhaps, bumping into him in a wheat field while chasing tornadoes in Kansas. Neither of those two things happened in meeting my 6'4" piece of eye candy. Nope. I guess you can say, I went fishing.


There. I said it.

NEWS FLASH: TV people join online dating services.

I always found it amusing when strangers would come up to me at events and make comments like "You must have men falling in your lap" or "Your dating life must be so exciting!"


Here's my story in a nut shell: Kim gets new TV job in a different TV market. Kim gets new boyfriend. This career is not conducive to falling in love and convincing said love to move with you. That said, it wasn't always the guy not willing to move. Sometimes they were, but I didn't want them to. LOYE. So fickle.

Anyway, I had been reluctant to do the online dating thing because I feared meeting someone who just wanted to date me because I was on television. But I had heard so many great stories about people meeting and having a really meaningful relationship that I decided to GO FOR IT! When you think about it, it is a good system. From the get-go you can prioritize what is important to you in finding someone. Are you an outdoorsy person? Is your faith an important role in finding your soul mate? How about physical characteristics - where does that rank on the list?

So........ I put my profile up and started scanning the profiles. I came across Ben's (It was one of the first profiles of interest I saw). I could tell he was a brainiac (turn on #1). He was easy on the eyes (never hurts), but the money line for me -- the thing he said that peaked my interest
was a blurb he wrote about how for the past year he had been a youth counselor at his church. And how it was that experience that he hoped would help him be a better father some day.
SAY NO MORE. This guy had wonderful character, brains, and liked CAR TALK (major bonus points!) Before I knew it, I was off and sending him a
"wink". (If you are not familiar with online dating services, if you find someone you are interested in, you can send them an online "wink". The person receives it in their "in box" and has the option of winking back, ignoring your wink, or emailing.) Ben winked back.

Within a few days of the GREAT WINK EXCHANGE, we were heading out on our first date. I knew rather quickly that I wanted to pursue a relationship with Ben. It wasn't long before I removed my profile and allowed my account to go dormant.

So, there you have it. I met Ben online. Oh and by the way, he rarely watches local TV news; He had no idea who I was. We are programmed in this business to encourage people to watch us on the tube. This is a case where one less viewer was absolutely fine with me!

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At May 12, 2008 at 9:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats again Kim! Love your story. I'm glad you & Ben found each other. I'm a sucker for a good love story with a beautiful ending. You go girl!

Bowie, MD

At May 12, 2008 at 9:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We didn't meet ANY men while hiking in New Zealand. And, my vote is for the really dark brown hair. I'm just sayin'.

At May 12, 2008 at 9:33 AM , Blogger Yota said...

That's one heck of a good service.
No square peg in a round hole, you two fit like hand in glove.

Well that's only from what I can see on my perch, but I can tell you are happy and the evidence of Ben being a devoted trooper is clear.

As for me... read Derek's last Valentine day blog and you can see I'd need to be clubbed over the head and dragged away!

Who knows theough...

At May 12, 2008 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Thank you Cindy!
Hey "anonymous" (How's Delaware Ave???) The really dark hair was hot when Courtney Cox and Friends was the only thing to watch on TV! And one of the best things about New Zealand were the sheep herding dogs and figuring out what a "chilly bin" was! And Yota...I think I remember Derek's blog...but I'll have to go re-read it...

At May 12, 2008 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! What a GREAT story! I truly believe that you know your soul mate when you find them or they find you - I did when my husband followed me back from the Dining Hall on the campus of Frostburg State University! And my husband's cousin met his wife through an online service - they've been married for almost two years and have a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations again on finding YOUR soul mate! You guys look soooo happy together! Narmeen

At May 12, 2008 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Going back to the earth worms - they all washed up on my front porch from being stirred up by the rain. Ewwww!!!!

At May 12, 2008 at 10:39 AM , Blogger SherryBurns said...

C'mon, it's Buffalo. You don't expect us to be up on the latest hair styles and fashion, do you? Maybe you should wear stirrup pants and Ben can wear Zubas for the wedding. That's HOT!!!

At May 12, 2008 at 10:48 AM , Blogger angie goff said...

My love was sparked with a text message... technology is a wonderful thing!I'm so happy for you two!!

At May 12, 2008 at 10:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met you when you were meeting someone for the first time at a Flip Orley Show... Was that Ben ???? :)

At May 12, 2008 at 10:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met you when you were meeting someone for the first time at a Flip Orley Show... Was that Ben ???? :)

At May 12, 2008 at 10:52 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

HA!! I remember that! No, that was not Ben...Were you the nice lady having her bachelorette party?

At May 12, 2008 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my brother from england did the online dating and also met his match in july 2005 he came here for a vacation and proposed to her on the 4th july 2005 last year we travelled to england for the wedding so i am a big believer on online dating wtg

At May 12, 2008 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, great love story! Another sign a person may have to determine if they have met the love of their life is if the two people just can't stop thinking about each other and just can't stop talking about each other...

Glad you found the man of your dreams!

At May 12, 2008 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim - Love to hear how couples first meet. That's what worked for you & Ben - Wishing you both the best.

Each person's different - I figure there's no one way to meet someone - that's what makes life interesting.

At May 12, 2008 at 8:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met my husband Scott( online!
While I was in law school I would log on and read certain blogs everyday (and sometimes update my own). My husband's blog (updated daily) was something I looked forward to everyday. He was always the one guaranteed bright spot in my day. Through his blog I learned he was smart, kind, an animal lover and into exploring the world around him with gusto. After 4 long date-less years in law school and chatting back and forth for 6 years I finally told him to come visit me (he lived in Florida). Needless to say we hit it off!

October will be our 2 year anniversary!

At May 14, 2008 at 7:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met my wonderful husband online as well- I knew the moment we met that he was the man for me! Thanks for sharing your story!


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