Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Did you happen to catch the Early Show on CBS this week. My ears pricked up when they did a segment on "hyper mileage". This is the art of maximizing the gas mileage out of your car. The car they used in their story happened to not only be the exact car I have, a Toyota Prius, but the same silver color (paying even MORE attention now...) Here is a link to the Early Show's story (click here.) You can watch the Early Show Video by clicking here.

In the story, they had a reporter and an experienced "hyper miler" drive two separate Prius cars from Chicago to New York City. The reporter drove like a normal reporter would, kind of in a hurry. The hyper miler took his time and made the 700 mile trip ON ONE TANK OF GAS! I know well that my tank holds about 10 gallons, so I did the math and realized he was averaging 70 miles per gallon -- THAT'S INSANE -- THAT IS AWESOME!

Lately, I have been trying to drive more slowly (insert many smart reasons why to do this HERE) especially because of the high price of gas. So, I must say, that before I started today's little experiment (part one in the video below), my average miles per gallon was already on the high side (52 mpg -- that is HIGH for me.) But I wanted to see if I, too, could be a 70 MPGer! Have a LQQK!

The next video is the result of my trip. I took a slight detour on my way to Ben's, and my trip was 25 miles. I drove both in DC and on the highway ( Rt. 395 ), so I had a mix of city and highway traffic. Have a look at my results below and press play:

I ended up improving my mpg by about 4 mpg (over 25 miles.) Now, this number probably would have been better had I RESET my miles-per-gallon calculator on the dashboard when I began my trip to Springfield. Because I didn't do that, my new average mpg was being weighted down by my original mpg average of about 52 mpg going into this experiment (that was acquired over 50 miles.) Ah, well, live and learn. All I know is that if everyone just slowed down, allowed more stopping distance between themselves and didn't "jack rabbit" it out of the stop lights, we'd probably ALL save a lot on gas (not to mention getting rid of excess stuff we keep in the car that we don't need to keep in the car and keep our tire pressure at the proper setting.) Okay, that's my 2 cents on the topic. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

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At May 22, 2008 at 5:14 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Correct on all counts!
I drive a little pickup. I used to own a Bronco II (1983) before ATV's were the rage, and 13 years later bought my current vehicle. It only gets 25mpg, while my bronco got at best 17-18 (more like 16).

I can drive 2 weeks on 15 gallons, and I've calculated how much a mile costs to drive in my head while riding to work. I don't pay as much attention to tire pressure as I should, nor is my engine always running at peak.

My driving habits have always been "go with the flow", meaning drive at the rate the vehicles around me are driving. Sort of like a blood vessel not wishing to impede blood flow, while also not going too fast. I've noticed people slowing down so I have as well because of my habit.

I've learned to plan my moves from driving in snow. In snow you must extend your field of reference because of a lack of traction, for breaking and accelerating. So in that way I've always driven to "anticipate" breaking at lights, or slowing down without stopping to make a light as it changes... things like that.

But never speed up to make a light on yellow (big no no)! Too risky, and pretty much insane. LOL

Oh and while were on driving habits... I use my signals. I signal at least 50 yards before I intend to turn. If the people around you know your intentions, they have the ability to prepare and be courteous as well.

Thinking about others can prevent "road rage", and it has the side effect of making you feel better about yourself as well. (like hey... that was nice of "me")
Yeah we can all surprise each other if we give ourselves the chance!


BTW My car's at the age now where I need to replace it (next year or so). I'm hoping I can find a hybrid pickup. I'm also hoping I can afford it!!!


At May 22, 2008 at 5:15 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Correct on all counts!
I drive a little pickup. I used to own a Bronco II (1983) before ATV's were the rage, and 13 years later bought my current vehicle. It only gets 25mpg, while my bronco got at best 17-18 (more like 16).

I can drive 2 weeks on 15 gallons, and I've calculated how much a mile costs to drive in my head while riding to work. I don't pay as much attention to tire pressure as I should, nor is my engine always running at peak.

My driving habits have always been "go with the flow", meaning drive at the rate the vehicles around me are driving. Sort of like a blood vessel not wishing to impede blood flow, while also not going too fast. I've noticed people slowing down so I have as well because of my habit.

I've learned to plan my moves from driving in snow. In snow you must extend your field of reference because of a lack of traction, for breaking and accelerating. So in that way I've always driven to "anticipate" breaking at lights, or slowing down without stopping to make a light as it changes... things like that.

But never speed up to make a light on yellow (big no no)! Too risky, and pretty much insane. LOL

Oh and while were on driving habits... I use my signals. I signal at least 50 yards before I intend to turn. If the people around you know your intentions, they have the ability to prepare and be courteous as well.

Thinking about others can prevent "road rage", and it has the side effect of making you feel better about yourself as well. (like hey... that was nice of "me")
Yeah we can all surprise each other if we give ourselves the chance!


BTW My car's at the age now where I need to replace it (next year or so). I'm hoping I can find a hybrid pickup. I'm also hoping I can afford it!!!


At May 22, 2008 at 7:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too saw the hyper segment and wanted to try it for myself. I was unsure, but figured "what the Hey" what do I have to lose? I was one day in to the experiment when I got rear ended on the way to work.

I was driving up a hill on RTE 7 near Leesburg by the Paco exit when people were racing up my rear end and honking like madmen/women because I was going 10 mile under the speed limit. I crested the hill and was coasting along at 45 MPH on the back side when I was rammed from behind at 65 MPH! OUCH! I was slammed in to the grass embankment and the NASCAR wanna-be who crashed in to me spun a few circles himself and ended up in a ditch. What's worse, the responding officer yelled at me claiming I was a DANGER to other motorists because I was driving too slow! Man, oh man!

I think the hyper miling method works, but I won't use it anymore. While trying to save a few dollars, I ended up losing my car and almost my life. I have no faith in my fellow motorists. :-(


At May 22, 2008 at 8:59 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Fabian -- that STINKS! Good point, though...

At May 22, 2008 at 3:47 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Man this stinks but I have to say it!

My previous post I said I "go with the flow" so I don't become an obstacle in traffic. In a way it's considerate and better to speed if "everyone else is" because if you do not, you cause the Nascar drivers to make unexpected corrections in order to avoid hitting you.

Defensive driving is fine, but that sometimes means you need to be a little aggressive.

My favorite joke is... "The sign says Yield.. Not Surrender!"

Sorry to read the news Fabian.
You should get full coverage on this because you were hit from behind, and that's on "the other guy".

The cop was right though. You caused it...
Sorry, call me a jerk but...

At June 3, 2008 at 9:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Both my wife and I have 2007 Prius cars. The consumption screen in the dash is only an estimate. To find out the real miles per gallon, you must do it the old fashion way. Fill up your car, reset your trip mileage counter, drive, refill you car and then divide the total trip mileage by the number of gallons you filled up with.

At February 23, 2009 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A driver's responsibility is watching the road in front of him or her. 2 car lengths, that's your margin of safety.

Anyone who decides they're special and they don't need a margin of safety to be safe is to blame if they get into an accident.

At October 16, 2010 at 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very useful topic


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