Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My fishing line kept getting caught on grass or dead logs under the water. I was used to occasional tension. What I WASN'T used to was the line suddenly WIGGLING BACK! OMG -- I CAUGHT MY FIRST FISH EVER!! You can see the video of the big catch below a few.

But let me back up! Last weekend, Ben, my nephew Zach, and I went fishing with Captain Steve Chaconas, National Bass Guide Service. I wasn't sure what I was in for; I had never been fishing before (save for trying it once from a pond at Camp Scuffy when I was 6, fishing with bread crumbs...)

We climbed aboard his Skeeter boat -- how SWANK! It has all kinds of compartments under the floor boards -- spots for everything -- even our lunches. We got the low down on safety, Zach was told (a few times) to always remain seated when the boat was in motion, and then we were off. But first we spotted a really cool Osprey Nest near the Belle Haven Marina. Have a look below!

Captain Steve has all types of fishing lures -- NO LIVE BAIT (and that is PRECISELY how this meteorologist likes it!) Some make a rattling noise, some reflect the sun, some wiggle when your reel them in. All of them come in pretty colors. He explains them to us in this next piece of video...

The first catch of the day was reeled in by Big Ben. We were specifically looking for Large Mouth Bass. That is exactly what Ben found. I had my camera rolling...

Between the two of us, Ben and I have four cats. So a catfish is an appropriate catch, don't you think? Ben was on a roll -- it was his second fish of the day. In the video below, Captain Steve explains which part of this fish is kind of not so safe to touch (and it is not what you may have heard) and answers the question "Do you eat fish?" -- Interesting answer ahead in the video below!

In this next video, Zach helped Capt. Steve reel in a small Large Mouth Bass (doesn't that sound funny?) It was begging to be I gave it a try... kind of. Well, just have a look...

I don't know if I was more surprised or the fish dangling before me was more surprised at what happened! Of course, it wasn't what we were looking for (that would have been okay if it was a snakehead.) A little bitty yellow perch was the fruit of my standing in the rain for 7 hours. But it was nice and stripey and I liked its yellow color. When my line initially got pulled (again I thought it was the sea grass playing keepsies with me) I tugged and then it TUGGED BACK. This sent a shock sensation up my arms, through my heart and into my brain. My brain translated this as "you have a fish on the end of that line and in a way YOU ARE TOUCHING A FISH!" So, I spazzed out and pretty much threw the fishing poll at Ben and told him to "take care of it!" and I proceeded to jump behind the steering wheel of the Skeeter! It was THRILLING and scary, and yucky and OH-I-SO-WANT-TO-DO-THAT-AGAIN! Here's my spastic video below:

WE HAD A BLAST FISHING WITH CAPTAIN STEVE! If you are interested in taking a professional, guided fishing trip, you can visit his website BY CLICKING HERE.

  • Learning how to cast. I love this!
  • Going SUPER FAST over the water in his boat -- you have to wear sunglasses even if it's raining so the rain or bugs don't hurt your eyes... 2/3 of the boat is actually not touching the water when you go faaaaaaast.
  • WILDLIFE -- We saw Osprey and their nests, a King Fisher bird, a turtle (with his neck just sticking above the water like a periscope), and a beaver (lots of other birds too!)
  • TOUCHING A FISH! -- I touched an iddy bitty bit of the very tippy end for about a nano second!

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At May 21, 2008 at 6:47 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Ah ok so you answered my youtube question here! (no live bait)

I'm not stalking, I noticed you were using youtube and clicked menu and got the url to your video's and then your site, then sent you a friendly /wave (hello) with a couple comments.

Still I guess the pro baited the hook LOL

Fishing is fun, and some are fanatics about it, becoming scientific with sonar and exotic lures etcetera. I'm more the pole float and live worm type, but I've never really fished so...

Also I'm more into sailboats than power. I used to keep an 18' buccaneer daysailer down at pohick and sail up to the beltway and back.

Good thing you guys did'nt hook one of those snakeheads!
I wonder how you would have reacted to that fish! (horror) LOL


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