Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, May 14, 2007

It is May 14th and parts of our viewing area had frost advisories this morning – what gives?? Actually, I know. It’s a big bubble of Canadian High Pressure! Under these domes of weather, the skies are clear, the air is dry and the winds are light. All those ingredients make conditions right for the air to cool off. But no worries, that dry air can warm up quickly just as easily. We should be in the low and mid 70s later this afternoon.

I took the plunge and actually invested in plants for my front porch this year. Each time Frederick drops down into the 30s, I hear my neighbors and me with our collective thought bubbles “should I have brought them inside?” Will someone tell me why my “Bleeding Heart” plant can’t go in the direct sun and yet my “Hibiscus”, which looks really similar to it except for the flowers, can? I planted them both next to each other in these large planters on the sunny front side of my house, without knowing the Bleeding Heart’s planting instructions (the card was missing.) And now, I am feeling rather lazy. Will it really die if it is in the sun most of the time? Can I wing it? Or, will my $29.95 really go down the drain? Anyone with a green thumb, I’d appreciate some feedback here.

To all you mom’s out there, I wish you a happy belated Mother’s Day! I spent mine with my mom, pop, and nephew – we even played some wiffle ball! Did anyone get any unique gifts? I’m always up for some fresh ideas. I think the sheet set I gave my mom was a bit of a disappointment (I think the low thread count did me in.)

I have my first Black Tie event to go to next week: The Wolf Trap 36th Annual Gala. After consulting with our resident fashionista, Andrea Roane, I have decided on what to wear. Plus points to Andrea for pointing out that there will be a lot of walking around on the grass – high heel alert! Now for the next hurdle: Should my boyfriend Ben buy or rent a tuxedo? Hmmmmm…more to come on that.

And finally, for my “Not Oprah’s Book Club, but rather Kim’s Book Club” segment: Snow in August by Pete Hamill. What a great read. Enjoy the nice weather everyone, I’ll catch you on the flip side.