Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, December 07, 2007


It started simply enough: During one of my weather segments Thursday morning, I casually asked viewers which hand lotions work REALLY well. I have been suffering from chapped hands and lips and I knew our extended 9 News Now Family would step up to the plate. AND YOU DID! I am *STILL* getting emailed suggestions from you!

So, without any further delay, let me share with you what I have learned. Below are the choices ranked by popularity followed by the names of the folks who like it and any comments they have to share about their choice. Thank you to all who took the time to write me -- I (and my hands) LOVE YOU!


Eric Brown Senior, Sandy Scales in DC, Brenda, Elaine - who is a nurse in Calvert County, Cassandra (recommends the one with Shea Butter), and finally Dennis Soiberman who is a Cabinet Maker, prefers the foot cream version to use on his hands (!!)


This stuff sounds "neat". It is in a clear bottle with a yellow label. I have heard "you should try it but you probably won't like it". When asked why, I was told because "it doesn't smell too perfumey" to "it feels like snot" (ewwww! - thanks for that description Ophelia) But, you guys love this stuff and swear by it. Jesse workes at Dulles and says they have to use it to get finger prints off people with severely dry skin. Here are the names of the folks that voted the Corn Huskers way: Kim Martino, Ophelia, Jesse martin, Carol, and Dan in District Heights.

I heard from the Avon Ladies on this one! The most interesting tidbit here is from Donna Smith of Upper Marlboro. Donna used to be a middle school science teacher. She used to have kids test the various hand lotions for their science fair projects and what their research consistently said is that in order for a hand lotion to be effective, it has to contain urea (!!!) She said not to ask her why -- do we *really* want to know -- ewwwwww!!!. With that in mind, she likes this Avon stuff. Here are the rest of the folks that voted the Avon way: Stacey Davis, Andrea Edwards of Temple Hills, and Cheryl Green.


I found this to be the most interesting solution to dry cracked hands. Folks swear by this stuff and point out that farmers have been using it for yours. I am told that the farmers have been putting it on the cows udders in winter for years and if it works for them it must work for us! There are a few different versions of this product: "Udderly Smooth Udder Cream" and "Bag Balm". Tina Murry, Carol from Stephenson VA, and Jeff Snavely (who is a cabinet maker that says wood absorbs the oils from your hands faster than anything else) love this stuff.

NEUTROGENA HAND CREAM (not the lotion)
Thanks to Judie, Diane LeDonne, and Linda for this suggestion.

MARY KAY SATIN HANDS CREAM Angela Fossett & Mika Summers-Gomillion

Cheryl Gearhart voted for this one. Our own Howard Bernstein likes it too. He even suggests getting the two pack at Costco. (Thanks HB)

Here are the "best of the rest" (one vote):
Vicks (the gooey kind - wear with gloves overnight), Vaseline (again wear with gloves at night), Vaseline Intensive Rescue Moisture Locking Lotion, Eucerin Plus Intense Care, La Roche Posay "Lipikar", Cetaphil (Peggy in Germantown says to put this on while your hands are moist), Aquaphor (from Laurie in edit booth 4), Surgeon's Skin Secret Beeswax (Christine says to get it off QVC), and finally Bliss High Intensity (you can get it at Nordstrom for $18 -- "Kim" says it's expensive but goes a long way.


At December 8, 2007 at 3:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also vote for udder cream but I prefer Pfizer 'Udder Tone.' Nursing mothers know that udder cream is better than creams or lotions that contain alcohol and artificial dyes and scents.

At December 14, 2007 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite is the gold bond ultimate healing cream, it's the best for your skin. I use this on my son and it works great.

At April 6, 2008 at 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled across Corn Huskers Lotion a week ago at Wal-mart. For some reason my skin had become very dry to the point that I was getting scaly patches on my arms and legs that itched constantly. I normally use Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Grapeseed Oil as a lotion but they stopped working. I initially was going to purchase the Utter Cream, since I had used it in the past years ago when I worked in the hospital. I saw the Corn Huskers Lotion and thought I would give it a try given that it was under $3. I got home showered and applied the lotion over my entire body. The next morning I was shocked, those dry patches were gone. I recommend this stuff to anyone, I’m now using it daily in place of my EVOO and GO, ladies it makes the bottom of you feet so soft. WOMEN CAN USE IT TOO!!!!


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