Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


You have have have to hear about this place! I had no idea what an alpaca was until last weekend. They are some of the most docile creatures on the planet, prized for their "fiber" (kind of like sheep's wool, only much higher in quality.) Alpacas at River's Edge is a working farm on 35 acres. Among the beautiful Alpacas there are horses, goats, dogs & cats.

Barb Buehl is the incredibly gracious host who was more than happy to show my entire family around her farm. When you first go into the barn, where they happened to be hanging out last Sunday, they perked their heads up alomst in unison. They have long, slender giraffe-like necks with the cutest mops of "fiber" on the top. Some of them have their hair trimmed so that you can see their eyes. The others? Well, I'm not quite sure how they see.

In the barn we were in, Barb had all the ladies and one fixed male stationed together. About 4 or 5 were expecting at any minute. Barb showed us the sonograms. The gestation is about 11 nonths! They are very curious and timid. They will come over to find out who you are. If you are very still, they will come and take a sniff of your breath and let you pet them. What a treat that is! Some are incredibly soft. Ben and I enjoyed our time so much -- I think he hit it off really well --check out the picture above - -Love at first sight!

Barb keeps a group of 1 year old boys separate. They happen to be around my nephew, Zac's, height. Alpacas are valued for many things including: fiber quality, color & pedigree. Use of micron count or hand softness is also a measure of the fiber.

Should you ever find yourself out Cumberland way, Barb's farm is only about 20 miles away, right on the Potomac River. What a fantastic time. Click here to go right to her website. Enjoy the pictures!


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