Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

My Promo Shoot with the Washington Ballet

If my "PLAY LIST" to the right is bugging you (What do you mean you don't want to listen to "It's Raining Men???"), just hit the stop button on the top left of my play list (you might have to hit it twice), and the music will stop. This will also be the way to go if you decide to look at any of the videos in my blog -- otherwise you will have 2 audio channels for the price of one (imagine trying to hear someone on the phone while the tv is playing loudly in the background.) And, while I love a bargain, this is one that you might not want to take to the check out...

A few weeks ago, I got to hang out with Tim Deluca and Kevin Goryl of our fabulous Channel 9 Promo Department. Our goal was to shoot a promo right down the block with

Perhaps you have seen some of the promos already running? They're funny: In one, Angie is singing the song "Camp Town Races" -- mostly in key -- and then you hear the announcer's voice say "Grammy Award winner? No. But she will get you to work on time" (okay, it is something like that...but you get the idea.)
So, my promo with the Washington Ballet included professional dancers -- AMAZING professional dancers. A quick scan did indeed confirm I was the BIGGEST person in the room, even among the men...SIGH.
You can imagine where this promo is headed:
Show beautiful dancers doing their drills and clumsy-meteorologist-Kim-Martucci trying to keep up.
I was supposed to act extra clumsy, but the truth is, very little acting took place. Here are a few pictures from the promo shoot. I shot some video while hanging around in the studio, with Tim and Kevin. Have a look above. The final product that is on our air now is just one click away. You can play it below.



At April 5, 2008 at 4:20 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Yeah I love Angie's bit... made me think of the Psycho Shower scene (LOL). Yours is funny also.

I like the Ads they are running, the cutout ad with Topper and Bret was also memorable.

Seems you are selling personalities and not just News, which is not a bad human angle.

I also felt your recent work visiting schools was an excellent idea to attract communities to your broadcasts.

Good ideas seem to be coming from the promotions department.

At April 8, 2008 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great commercial Kim. I agree with yota. Part of the reason I watch Channel 9 is the personalities. I hope the promotions dept. keeps up the good work!


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