Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I get an email like this every year from the Humane Society. It is about the opening day of the Canadian baby seal slaughter / clubbing. Turns out that the Canadian government will not issue permits for journalists to cover it. What could they possibly want to hide? It sickens me. Sorry to be "Debbie Downer" on a Friday, but if you are interested, please let your voices be heard.

"Dear kim,

Just before dawn this morning, the annual hunt for baby seals began in Canada.Over the next few weeks, 275,000 harp seals will be brutally clubbed or shot for their fur. Incredibly, though, many people believe that Canada ended this hunt in the 1980s. But it's still happening, right now. That's why the sealers don't want us here -- with our cameras rolling.For four years, The Humane Society of the United States' ProtectSeals team has stood its ground as Canada's extraordinary harp seal nurseries are transformed each spring into bloody killing fields. The sealers have rammed our cars, smashed our boats, and brandished the very same clubs that they use to kill baby seals -- all in a vain attempt to intimidate us.
Then yesterday, Canada's government took an unprecedented step: It refused to issue hunt observation permits to our team -- and to journalists -- in time for us to document the slaughter this morning. This means that sealers, if they have reached the seals by now, are killing baby seals without witnesses. Which is exactly what they want.
Watch our video to see what we're up against. It's hard to watch (and you can skip it if you prefer). But it shows why we'll remain here, steadfast, until Canada ends this barbaric hunt for good. Exposing the hunt is the surest way I know to stop it forever.It's heartening to know we're not alone -- because you're standing with us. As one of our most committed supporters on behalf of seals, you have been crucial to our campaign to end the hunt.As another year's slaughter begins, watch our video now -- and then please make a donation to sustain our team on the ice and end this hunt once and for all. The seal hunters don't want us here, but with your support, we'll continue the fight until the cruel hunt ends.

Rebecca Aldworth

Director of Canadian Wildlife IssuesThe Humane Society of the United States "



At March 28, 2008 at 5:03 PM , Blogger Yota said...

As long as the demand exists, there will be people willing to fill it. They have livelihoods and would not be interested otherwise.

Your previous post about the meat packing industry and cattle prodded to stand in order to pass inspection? They would not have bothered, but that would be lost profit.

The other (positive) side of this is the seal population is probably protected for their baby seal product, in order to insure a good harvest. I doubt they would damage a cash crop...

But you know they say money is the root of all evils.


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