Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, July 06, 2007

There is nothing I like hearing more than “Hey Kim, come check out this bug in the studio.” That’s the magical sentence that drew my attention (and eventually my heavy wooden heels that clop clop clop all around the studio all morning) and sent me over to the traffic area, adjacent to the weather office here at Broadcast House. Nicole had never seen this particular bug before. But, I have. It is the kind of bug that will hop out of the bathroom tub faucet and freak you out. At least that is what it does to me. I wasn’t sure what it was called, so I started googling it. I entered things like “many legged bug”. Finally I came across this great website: Once there I was able to scan the pictures people posted and there it was! Our little studio visitor is merely a “house centipede.” But in this case, it is a “Broadcast House Centipede.” That thing can HUSTLE! I put the edge of my shoe near it and off it went, zipping towards someone’s file cabinet (I find this funny, in a dark humor kind of way…)

While we are on the topic of bugs, I’d like to bring something up: LITTER BUGS! Knock it off already! You know who you are. And, if you are a smoker, do you ever use an ash tray? Is it me, or does every smoker think the great outdoors is their garbage dump? Maybe you *are* disposing of your cigarette buts appropriately. But I only seem to see smokers who do not. And it seems like people have no shame. Just the other day I was at a major shipping company who’s colors are maroon and gold and one of their drivers parked their van, got out, took the cigarette but out of their mouth and tossed it right in front of me on the ground. ???????? Earth to delivery guy – the world is not your ash tray!!!


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