Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Side Lined by Tonsilitis...

Booooo! The last few days I have been replaying the Brady Bunch episode where, oddly, Cindy goes from sneezing only twice in front of Carol to having the doctor make a house call and prescribing she have her tonsils out. Fast forward past the ugly operation (we never *do* get to see it) to Cindy shaking her head "yes" when asked about her favorite kind of ice cream. Apparently it is all three: chocolate, vanilla, & strawberry. But I digress. After my doctor visit today, I found out that even if I wanted my tonsils out, I can't. They are too much of a mess right now to even touch them. So, I sit (silently -- and that is not easy for me...yeah, I'm sure you already knew that) and wait for the medicine to work some magic. I had to laugh at Topper earlier today when he told me that one of the medications I was on would really rev up my appetite. I say this because it has been really difficult to swallow at all the last few days. "Great", I thought. But enough about tonsilitis...

How about this Thursday, huh? Looks like a nice coastal storm may be eyeing us. And we're not alone; This could be a winter mess for the folks across Dixie, too....maybe even coastal Dixie. As far as the longer term will be interesting to see if we get another warm-up (a la 70s) again this winter. I'm thinking we may get a respite from the c-c-c-cold, but I don't know about super duper warm-ups. There are a lot of computer models to look at out there (even a Japanese computer weather model -- Tony Pann (I believe) is a big fan of that one...or so I have heard(!)) When they all begin to squawk a certain way, then you have to start paying attention. As of this writing (and it *is* so nice to have extra time on my hands this hour of the night when I am usually fast asleep), it looks like a lot of those longer term models are hinting at more cold than warm. Just an FYI.

Okay, my fine friends of the blogging community, I must bid you well. Go read Mike Walter's blog now. And while you are at it, give Andrea's and Nicole's a look-see, too. We are, after all, on the same team (then let me know what they wrote!) Just kidding -- I read them too! Have a great few days; I'll return when I get my voice back. Enjoy the silence!


At February 1, 2007 at 9:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to have you back!! Glad you're feeling better!

At March 2, 2007 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just love your bubbly personality. You definitely make the show and... you're so good doing the weather.

The three of you (Mike, Andrea, and you) seem to get along really well.

Keep up the good work. My friends and myself all watch you.



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