Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sorry, Tolls, Meteors, Good Reads...

I must quit starting off my log entries with “I’m really sorry it has been so long since I updated this…”




Okay, lots to get to.  First, I am a big fan of hopping in the car and zipping out for a drive.  I’ve logged a lot of miles on my Pryus (okay, seriously, I have nearly 50k miles and I have only had the car 1 year!)  Anyway, having gone to school in NY state and having worked in Buffalo, I am a “fan” of the NY State Thruway.  If you are not familiar with it, this stretch of interstate looks like a squared-off omega.  You can hop on it at I-87 at the NYC line, take it up to Albany, continue west to Buffalo, and then south towards the PA line and Erie.  The tolls set you back over $18 bucks ($16.66 with EZ Pass.)  Is it worth it?  That’s for you to decide; If you take it, then you bypass the Finger Lakes Region and my alma mater, Cornell University, perched high on a hill overlooking Cayuga Lake.  Personally, I prefer Rt. 17 (and grabbing a bite at the Roscoe Diner – you HAVE to do this.)  Why am I telling you this?  Well, first, I feel the need to ramble.  But second, I needed a lame way to link “toll” into the weather discussion.  See below.


Today, we pay a small “weather toll” to ensure a BEAUTIFUL weekend.  I mean it.  If having to dodge a few raindrops this afternoon, with chilly highs in the mid 50s, is all we have to do to get sunny skies and 70s in here Saturday and Sunday, than sign me up!  By the way, the weather Saturday night should be perfect for looking for the LYRID METEOR SHOWERS.  Astronomy magazine Editor Michael Bakich tells us that we don’t need any equipment and that our plain old eyes are best.  We should look east before midnight and directly up after midnight.


Are you looking for a great book to read?  I am just finishing “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini.  I read most of it in about a day and couldn’t put it down.  Moving.  Lovely.  Check it out.


Okay team, gotta run and do some weather hits.  Always a pleasure chatting!


--“The Mighty Martooch”




At April 25, 2007 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Kim! I'm a big fan. My hubby and I watch you and Andrea and Mike every morning from 6-6:30am. I love how you're so cheerful every morning. (I, myself am not a morning person.)
Anyways, I just wanted to say that in hindsight, I was glad to pay that "weather toll", because last weekend was absolutely gorgeous!

Have a great day!

At May 8, 2007 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to finally here from you again after all this time, since your last Blog. It seemed like you drifted off into space, never to return? But I was hoping you would. Always keep in mind, that, even though your Blogs receive few comments. Lots of people are reading them, but they're at a loss for what to say in return. But I feel up to the challenge, and feel like supporting your efforts Kim. You seem to be a very "out going" person, so now I feel inspiration enough to Email you with some Weather questions. Maybe you can unravel a great mystery or two for me. Sincerely, ANTHONY


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