Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


By now you have heard about Boodie & Bubbles (my cats). Boodie has a penchant for disappearing. She doesn't necessarily escape to the outdoors, but she is so good at hiding, that I often panic that she has. Naturally, this hiding act tends to kick in as I am trying to leave. I always locate both cats, before I head out the door, and give them a kiss good-bye. I also like to ensure they are not accidentally locked in a room they shouldn't be in (something else they are good at.) So, here I am facing a deadline that is getting closer to being missed and I cannot locate Boodie.

I am staring at Bubbles, willing her to dish on where her sister is. No luck. At least Bubbles has a bell so I can usually hear her. Luckily she tends to spread out on the big blue chair and is easy to spot most of the time.
Finally, I resort to that high pitched kissing noise that will make any animal at least look at you. That worked. It didn't reveal too much, but what it did reveal was enough to get Boodie's ears to perk up. Picture number one shows what I saw from across my living room. Do you see the two little ear triangles sticking up inside the basket? Welcome to Boodie's new hiding spot. The following two pictures show how she looks as I walk closer to the hide out.

SWAK, now I can leave...



At August 10, 2007 at 12:08 AM , Blogger the Artist formerly known as Raymond said...

Society's wits and urbane observers on the vagaries of the human experience often find it amusing to blame meteorologists for untoward weather--in other words BLAME THE FORECASTERS FOR THE OPPRESSIVE HEAT. . .generally such postures are not very amusing. . .

That fact will not prevent me from noting that Boodie looks to be overwhelmed by the temperature--looks to have hyperthermia-induced neurological dysfunction (HIND Syndrome). . .Kim--use your air-conditioner--we do not expect you to suffer through the heat and humidity as a sort of perverse commitment to your meteorological craft!

Use your A/C. . .no longer should pets be at risk for HIND.

Now I will get off of my soapbox (and look for a basket that I can fit into).


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