Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

(spelled correctly now! .. I can't fix the text in my pics, though...)

I tried planting a "garden" this year for the first time -- all in pots. (I'd rather not dig around in the soil for my slight fear of earth worms -- I know they are good and I like them in that regard, but I'd rather not meet any in person.) Everything I purchased supposedly likes "full sun" according to the cards (everything except my pitiful Bleeding Heart which is screaming to be relocated.) But in Frederick, it seems like we traditionally blast by everyone else's high temperature by a few extra degrees. Between that, and my brick row house, sidewalk, and street radiating even more heat, my poor plants are being cooked alive. Have a look at the picture at the top... It ain't pretty...

I spotted some WONDERFUL Zinnias at the Clark's Park Farmers Market last Saturday in Philly. I had to take a picture. Look at the difference between the fresh ones from the market and mine that were planted in May. In the next picture, you can see the end of the market and a tent where they were selling baked goods and preserves. The Amish man in the foreground comes from the Lancaster area and gets a ride from some friends. The veggies were soooooooo good!

This last picture is of Ben and his family. They are standing in front of one of the coolest houses I have been in in a long time -- right out of Harry Potter! The garden in the front was rockin' -- no crunchy plants there. In the back, they have a vegetable garden, too. Inside, the ceilings are some 15 feet tall. Getting up to the 3rd floor is a workout; You could do a couple flights a day in lieu of hitting the gym! My favorite part is the basement -- the front part of the basement is settling so the ceiling is lower and I had to watch my head. The back part allowed me to stand freely. There were lots of compartments with some vintage items down there. I was on the lookout for knob and tube wiring... Now I'm in the mood to watch This Old House! Good times.


At August 1, 2007 at 12:18 PM , Blogger the Artist formerly known as Raymond said...

Hmm, those poor flowers--perhaps they are sensitive to more than excessive heat--perhaps they are a proud species, vainglorious and easily offended when their cherished name is misspelled?! Try apologizing to them and promise them to henceforth always call them zinnia (rather than zinnea)!. . .Hey Kim, sorry to needle you a little (and I would be borderline illiterate without spellcheck!) but sitting as you do at the pinnacle of multimedia superstardom, you have to expect supercilious sniping from the huddled unwashed masses occasionally, right?

We’ll forgive your horticultural shortcomings (including spelling of the flora) as long as you keep rolling out the first-rate meteorological info while brightening our mornings with your buoyant exuberance and dazzling demeanor.

Thanks for your efforts (including the blog-work) and forgive my boorish behavior in pointing our your spelling miscue. . .now I have some huddling and wash-avoidance to get done.

At August 1, 2007 at 8:55 PM , Blogger Lynn said...

Hi Kim! :)

I live in Accokeek, MD and if planting tips on potted plants say, "Full sun,", it really means "Anything but". Mine tend to go crispy also. They do better if I don't let the soil go dry any length of time and also if I pinch them back as soon as I see the flowers start fading they do a lot better then if I just leave them alone.

Have fun and keep blogging! :)


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