Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


These are my girls. 2 Calico cats share my house. Boodie (on the left) is the older of the two. I found her down in Huntsville, AL while working my first full time job in TV. She was an abondoned kitten and had a very large belly for her small size. A producer at WAFF suggested I name her Buddha. So I did. It got modified to "Boodie" over the years. She has travelled with me from Alabama to Buffalo to Boston, then Wilkes-Barre (with a 3 year hiatus in Paramus NJ) and now DC.
She's a bit of a crank, but the lovable kind. She was used to being the only cat for most of her tenure with me, so when I got Bubbles, things didn't go so smoothly.

So, let me explain why I got Bubbles. When I moved to PA for my last job, I moved in with my sister, Jodi, in Stroudsburg PA to save for a house. She has been known to adopt any animal that needs a home. She's got a big heart and kind of sounds like Carmella Soprano (winks to Jodi who reads my blog...I've included a picture of her to your right. -- She is going to KILL me for this, but it's the only pic I could find and rather than hear about "how bad her hair looks" the cap will solve that potential problem. BTW, my nephew Zac was getting ready for a tonsil operation -- OMG it runs in the family!) Her house was already full with 2 indoor cats, several outdoor cats, and 3 dogs (not to mention my Bro-in-law, and my nephew, and soon-to-be me.) So, the Inn was kind of full. My Grandma was happy to temporarily adopt Boodie while I searched to buy my house and live with my sister and her family. When it came time to move into my house and take Boodie back, old Grams wasn't going to part with her. Neither thrilled with either prospect, I set off to the local shelter to pick out another cat -- a cat that could potentially get along with Boodie should Grandma ever give her back.

Enter Bubbles. She, too, is a Calico. Mostly white with splashes of black and gold, she has yellow eyes. Boodie is mostly grey with splashes of blonde and white and her eyes are green. Boodie has a purrrr like an engine. It is one of my favorite things. Bubbles, meanwhile, I think was a dog in one of her lives -- she literally licks people to death. She thinks everyone is a salt lick! I love that.

But I digress... It turns out Grandma is alergic to Boodie. So, I get her back. I never heard so much hissing in my life. And talk about the growling. Man! But, time worked its magic and now they tolerate each other. I dare say they love each other. Bubbles, being the younger one, will often sneak attack Boodie. Boodie will often growl and hiss so that things seem worse then they are. Too keep it balanced, whenever I see Bubbles waiting around the corner about to pounce on Boodie, I pounce on her. "How do you like that little bit?" I'd say.

Every once in a while one of them will get spooked sufficiently so that not only do they get "big poofy tail" (love!), but they might do "sideways piano dance." It's hard to explain, but it happens when one of them is so spooked that they arch their backs and spring up on their tip toes and walk sideways in the arched back position. Anyone who is a cat owner probably knows what I am talking about.

If I have a moth, or a bug in the house, all I have to do is follow their eyes. Mouse? Let's just say that the muffled meow I heard from Bubbles as she frantically paced my bedroom in the dark was all I needed to get on the phone with Ehrlich. Yuck.

I love them. I hope Drew Carey continues the "Have your pets spayed or neutered" routine. I hope more people get their pets from shelters -- there are so many wonderful and loving animals that need good homes. I am so lucky to have opened up my home to Boodie and Bubbles.


At July 25, 2007 at 9:54 PM , Blogger The ManRayX said...

Adorably photogenic kitties (or should that be photogenically adorable kitties?).

Some caution is urged when adopting pets from a shelter--in her book "Puppies for Dummies" Sarah Hodgson suggest that too many people roll into shelters kind of blithely unprepared.

It is a good idea to have a pretty clear picture of what kind of animal suits you best (animal lovers are easily swayed by the panoplies of wagging tails, wet kisses and cute faces that fill the visual horizon when arriving at a shelter).

Here are some of S. Hodgson's bullet-pointed suggestions:

Know what personality traits you are looking for in a pet (and trust the shelter personnel to guide you to the appropriate animal)

Try to find out each candidate's history "Most (pets) end up at the shelter with an excuse that their owners are 'moving' or have 'allergies' but there's usually more to it than that. If you're selecting an older (animal), determine whether it has been neglected or abused in any way. This stress can result in behavioral problems that you need to be prepared to cope with."

Most animals coming into a new home suffer from shelter shock (stress from feeling totally out of control and abandoned)

OOPS, I seem to be droning on. .. sorry. . .I don't want to scare anyone away from a shelter adoption!. . .Pick carefully and you will end up with animals as delightful as Boodie or Bubbles (but perhaps not as photogenically adorable, of course!).

At July 26, 2007 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the kitty pics...I too rescued my little cat and he has definitely been a treat! Always waiting for me in the front window when I come home - that's such a nice feeling.

At August 13, 2007 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adorable cats, hope they do well in this VA heat. Really like you with Andrea and Mike in the morning, you compliment them well. But what happened to Nicole? New girl "Tracy Metro" isn't that good, too many ummms. She doesn't really click with you all. My work and I are thinking of switching to another morning news as she ruins your morning news show. Too bad as I'v watched channel 9 for 25 years. My office of 25 people agree.


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