Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I've got Bakelite Cherries on my brain.

It all started this weekend when Ben and I visited some of his family who live in West Philly. His father teaches at UPenn, and his wife, Beth Anne, is a fine artist. While Ben and John were busy hitting Home Depot, Beth Ann and I hoofed, trollied, and bussed it all around some great second hand and antique shops.

Let me take you aside for a moment and let you know that I LOVE a great bargain. I can't help myself -- if it's a bargain, I have a hard time not buying it. So, when I saw a "slightly used" Kate Spade bag at the "Second Mile" for $3.91 I nearly fell over. "Excuse me", I said to the clerk, "this bag has a number on it, 391, is that an id number or something?" "It's the price", the clerk said. I couldn't believe it.

Now back to our antiquing. We took the trolley and then the bus to the South Street area and ended up at this fabulous old Synogogue that has subsequently been turned into an antiques market. It is called the "Antiquarian's Delight" and it houses a bunch of neat vendors who specialize in anything from vintage handbags to bakelite jewelry. In one of the booths sits a beautiful bakelite pin of cherries that Beth Ann pointed out to me.

Map of 615 S 6th St Philadelphia, PA 19147-2128, US

Do you know what bakelite is? It is this kind of plastic-like looking stuff. It has been turned into jewelry, hair combs, etc. It is highly collectable and was really popular back when my Grandma was growing up. I've watched enough Antiques Roadshow to know a little bit about it and it has been growing on me. I haven't bought any ... yet. The question is -- is the potential item your looking at bakelite or hard plastic, or something completely different? Bakelite has some tests you can do to see if it is indeed Phenolic (made with Formaldehyde) bakelite. The old test is simply putting it in hot water. The Formaldehyde will emit a smell that is kind of like an old bandaid. There are some other tests, newer tests, that I have read about using "Formula 409 All Purpose" Cleaner (not the blue version.) Apparently, if you dip a q-tip in the cleaner and then rub it on the bakelite, the q-tip will turn a yellowish color from the bakelite. I have never tried this. Also, Bakelite does not have any seams.

But let me get back to those cherries. There is a woman with a booth full of bakelite in the middle of the first floor towards the back. It is in her case where the fantastic Cherry Pin is. Unfortunately, she is quite the CRANK. I overheard her treating her customers rudely. Additionally, she told some jewelry vendors they could come in and show her their stuff, only to make them feel bad for wasting her time. Someone give this woman a clue, please. Needless to say, Beth Ann and I didn't feel like "bothering" the monster to inquire about her cherries pin. I checked it out on ebay instead. Those suckers can sell for as high as $500!! YIKES! Now I understand why, when Beth Anne visits the Antiquarians Delight, she refers to them as "her old friends". Between the anticipated high price, and the CRANK that guards them, I'd say Harry Pottery has an easier time getting past the dragon theat guards the Gringotts!


At August 2, 2007 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, just got thru reading about 6 of your more recent Blogs--I tend to do that from time to time--anyway, had to write and tell you how much I enjoy watching you in the am--loved the red and white skirt this am--anyway, I am going to "Philly" next weekend via Westminster, Md where my daughter and son-in -law live and we are all going up to P{hilly to see the "King Tut" exhibit--we all love Eygptian stuff so will be nice--I lived in Pa from 1960-1979, lived over near Trenton--Lovely country but love Va best--see you in am--Gloria, from Winchester


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