Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, July 13, 2007


I am having a love affair with the chicken corn chowder at Proof Artisan Bakery & Barista in Frederick. But today -- TODAY I met a stranger! Today I discovered their RED VELVET cupcake. I had to have one. So, there I was, trying to drive home with two ooooh-it's-so-good treats that are about to be added to my "favorite things" list and downing the cupcake.

Dessert first. That works every time. Thought I'd share this with you if you're ever up north in Frederick... Capital YUM!

Have a great weekend.

PS -- Go read Andrea Roane's blog. We're all about shameless self promotion now...


At July 14, 2007 at 9:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! I just discovered red velvet cake this past year too! I made it (from a box!) and my youngest son LOVES it! It all stems from a fellow teacher at my school who requested it for her birthday cake (we have parents who graciously supply the birthday girl or boy with their favorite cake on or near their birthday!). The mix can be hard to find (for instance, some Giant stores may carry it, others won't -- I found it at Shopper's Food Warehouse). I've pared with cream cheese icing or vanilla icing and both are so good! The cake that came in for the teacher was ordered from New York!!!

Our family is in Hagerstown this weekend and if you're ever here, you need to hit the Big Dipper Ice Cream Shop 1033 Virginia Avenue. 80 flavors of Hershey's Ice Cream!!! My husband had Road Runner Raspberry, my kids had Extreme Chocolate and I had the Moose Tracks in Chocolate. Also, another fun place is the Family Recreation Park with go-karts, an awesome and beautiful mini golf course, driving range, batting cages, bumper boats, and Water Wars where the kids used a slingshot type device to hurl water balloons at each other! That's south of Hagerstown in Boonsboro.

Enjoy your new found "friend"!!! We'll have to make a that a stop on our itinerary soon!!!! We love the part of Maryland that is Frederick and beyond! You gotta get out to Deep Creek Lake if you haven't done so yet!!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!

At July 20, 2007 at 4:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Kim!

We live in Frederick too and think PROOF is one of our best kept secrets! Amazing food and service, if any of you have not tried it yet .. do so! They have a wonderful array of desserts and baked goods.

Also another store I love in Frederick is the florist shop En Masse. Have you been there? Emma is charming and creates beautiful arrangements. They are unique yet stunning!

Have a great weekend.


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