Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Being a meteorologist has its perks.  For example, when I was zipping out to meet my buddy, Tommy McFly (of Mix 107.3 fame – go ahead, sing it!), for lunch at 2 Amys, I did a quick check of Doppler 9000 yesterday and knew that A) I wanted to drive and B) I needed to take my umbrella.  But you need not be a meteorologist to enjoy the same perks!  Nooooooooooo, you too can know where the rain is by a simple click of  Doppler 9000 is right there to help you plan your way!


But back to Tommy (or McFly as I know him), we go back to Northeast Pennsylvania (NEPA) together.  He used to work at FROGGY radio (the number one station in the market) and I did TV at the NBC affiliate there.  Can you believe he offered me Nickelback tickets at Merriweather last night and I had to turn them down?  There was just *no way* I could go.  You see, that’s what this CRAZY morning shift does to you.  You have to plan EVERYTHING around your sleep schedule.  Immediately my sleep calculating brain went to work when the generous proposal was offered – could I squeeze in a nap up in Frederick, get Ben in Springfield, and then haul it to Columbia in time?  Nooooooooo way.  Sigh.


Thanks anyway, McFly.  We love you on the radio – TELL THEM TO PUT YOU ON MORE!!!  Are you listening MIX?  Oh yeah, and tell Chilli Amar that she’s really funny and just about every woman out there can relate to her guy problems.


What next…in the course of two days I got to interview Brian Welch, formerly of Korn, and Alena Beard of the Washington Mystics.  I love our 9am show.  The guests who parade through Broadcast House are a myriad bunch and you never know who’s going to pop their head into the station next.  Brian left the band in 1995 with a drug addiction and kicked it, according to his new book “Saving Me From Myself”, with the help of God.  Alena, on the other hand, is going to be playing in the WNBA All Star Game at the Verizon Center this Sunday.  At a chiseled 6’ tall, this basketball star went to Duke.  (If only she had gone to Cornell, I thought, we could have recruited her to row!)


Thank you for your comments about my tornado pendant.  I debuted pendant number one this week…I plan on showing off number 2 tomorrow or Monday.


Ahhhhhhh!  I almost forgot.  I was doing this back and forth email thing with a girlfriend of mine who is an anchor in a major market and she confessed to being a COUGAR!  She is dating a younger guy.  I was like “so what?”  This has especially hit a nerve with Nicole in traffic.  Why is it such a big deal when a woman dates a younger man?  Such a big deal that it gets a name???  Then I remembered an email that my sister, Jodi, sent me just the other day.  It was a list of all the reasons why it is good to be a woman.  Number 12 on the list is this:  12. If we marry someone 20 years younger,
 we are aware that we will look like an idiot.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


Okay, gotta run.  Thanks for reading.  Go read Mike Walter’s blog.  Cross promotion.  One Team One Dream.


Peace Out.



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