Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Were you watching the Packers / Giants game Sunday night? Did you catch the -2 degree actual air temperature (not wind chill) during the game? Did you see the players who opted not to wear any extra layers??? Is it me or are these guys crazy?

I am bringing this up because earlier in the morning, Sunday, Ben and I decided to donate blood at the Arlington Unitarian Church. His friend, Ali (you remember her -- she's the cool artist who made my tornado glass pendants) very efficiently got lots of her friends to sign up for their local blood drive. Anyway, during the screening process, you get your temperature taken. I was 96 point something. I was COLD. Not as cold, I'm sure, as the players of the game that night, but cold enough, I am convinced, so that it slowed down the blood flow out of my arm and into the blood donation bag.

Donating blood is something I have done in the past (I carry my Red Cross card) but don't do regularly. I *should* donate regularly. I helped to save 3 lives yesterday. Imagine that - Three lives? Who knows, one of those lives may end up being my own. I know why I don't donate regularly -- Who wants to volunteer to have a needle put in them for 10 minutes? But I'll say it, it *really* isn't that bad. Honest. If there is one thing you should know about me by now is that I don't sugar coat. There is a sting, but then that's it. Besides, they usually have a movie playing on a large TV. I got to watch Little Orphan Annie's friends break out of the broom closet and help save her from the bad guys. They also make sure to keep you fed and happy during your session. The chair you sit in tilts back and your legs go up. Nice and comfy.

I got to look to my right and watch Ben's bag fill up. He didn't like to look at mine (it makes the Big Man queezy....awe shucks!)

After our "good deed" we treated ourselves to a Restaurant Week special at the Arlington Westin: Pinzimini. Two thumbs up from me for their Creme Brulee French Toast with Chocolate -- HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG?

On this day of service, in honor of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., what good deed will you do? Thanks for making it count, and as always, reading my blog.

--Kim M.


At January 22, 2008 at 2:10 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Speaking of Artists, I met one and became friends while working on 14th and U back in the 70's

Here is a link to his site:

Sam Gilliam I also knew but I probably wasn't much more an acquaintance to him than anything else.
They shared a space an attached building to the warehouse, and I would come by during lunch to see the progress of their (craft) works.

A bit of U street ambiance...
The U street corridor was quite different in those days, I worked in the fidelity open storage warehouse, and your comment about needles made me remember how part of my duties was picking up used hypo's discarded by addicts. (this I did entirely ignorant about AIDS or 'other' blood born illnesses), never pricked myself though...

My oldest brother was renting a house on 15th and U, but at the time I was out by Lake Fairfax (commute).

I have not to this day 'donated' blood although I probably should. Its the needle thing... I hate them and I hate even the thought of them. I'm human and in that way selfish. I need to get over that...

I did watch the games, and I'll watch the finale'

And as for Martin Luther King?

He set a Nation and a Culture straight. He stepped up when no one else was there and enlightened us. His work is unfinished, but progressing. He was a Great (selfless) Man.

We the People...

At January 25, 2008 at 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kim i thought that was a nice thing to do but didnt it hurt?

At January 26, 2008 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, you are beautiful inside & out! This is a wonderful message to make everyone aware that giving blood is so necessary.


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