Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


We women know.

Our purse is that mysterious place. A place where a frantic hand can instantly identify some White Out sitting in that seldom used inside right pocket. Or, perhaps it's Hollywood Tape you need, your fingers feel for the smooth outline of the box. Emergency? You know the one I am talking about. The scene: your co-worker creeps over to your desk with THAT LOOK. That P - L - E - A - D - I - N - G you-have-to-have-one LOOK. No worries, my dear girlfriend, the purse will save you. All discretely tucked away in our safe haven, everything has a home in


And while I'm (briefly) on that line of thought, have you noticed how men are kind of, well, scared of our purses? A new persona emerges, when asked to fetch something out of that feminine mystery bag. Have you noticed that? Rather than delve in to get that badly-needed pen and god-forbid-something-else, he will dangle your purse, hanging by its straps on his index finger, arm extended, waiting for you to just-grab-it-already-and-get-it-for-me-because-there's-NO-WAY-and-I-mean-NO-WAY-I'm-going-in-there.

I thought the stuff I hauled around EVERY DAY with me in my bag was kind of odd (Do I really need box cutters?) And recently I got to gabbing with my 9 News Now girlfriends, Trenice & Angie, about the strange stuff we carry in our

increasINGLY larGER puRSES.

How about a little QUIZ first, shall we?

This young woman is carrying some specific paper in her purse. Is it:

A) A receipt to Target
B) An autograph from Barry Manilow
C) A coupon to one of her favorite stores

Who is it?

A) Angie
B) Trenice
C) Kim

Are you feeling stressed? Then visit this woman's purse for a "gel stress mask". Who is it?

A) Trenice
B) Kim

C) Angie

This person actually told Mike Walter that if he needed to borrow her nasal spray, he could. He'd just have to get it from her purse. This overly-friendly co-worker is:
A) Kim
B) Angie
C) Trenice

Planning a trip to Presque Isle? How about Moosehead Lake? Well, drop those "r's" and warm up some Lobster Bisque while you read this chick's Downeast magazine (of course it is stuffed in her purse!) Who is it?

A) Trenice
B) Angie
C) Kim

Angie gets thirsty, so she keeps some of this in her purse. Is it:

A) Crystal Light
B) Bottled water
C) Hot Chocolate packet

Trenice carries her breakfast in some Tupperware (why not?) around. What was Trenice's breakfast this morning at O-Dark Hundred hours?

A) Grits
B) fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt
C) spinach

Coming up later tonight...

I'll have the NO-HOLDS-BARRED VIDEO, taking you behind the scenes AND in our purses. You will be able to see how you did on the quiz...STAY TUNED!


At March 5, 2008 at 9:00 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Rather than tune in for the "No Holds Barred" or rather "A dive into the Lives of Three media Women" (as I describe it), Caution will take the place of valor here and I'll skip it. (I may peek)

Asking a man to search your purse would be akin to having your home ransacked by a friend that means you no harm. That would be the fear of consequences in disturbing your system of organization.

Most Men travel light, immediate needs only. A wallet or even just a money clip will most often suffice. A purse is "luggage" to a man, where to a women its a necessary accessory.

Not to seem sexist, but a woman nests and a man hunts. This describes the the difference and the evidence is in our behavior. (how we equip)

I do like the post, I'm just worried about what's next!

At March 5, 2008 at 9:26 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Ahh, my dear Yota...Imagine what good hunters men would be if they had access to some of the tools in our purses!!


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