Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


FITNESS FRIDAY RULE #1: Exercises are like Bar Drinks -- You can embellish them and then call them whatever you want.

Even though I have been terribly lazy about updating my blog on my Friday segment aka "FITNESS FRIDAYS", that doesn't mean I have been slacking when it comes to working out with Ms. Goff Ellis (or is it Ellis Goff?) Ang and I have been hitting Royal Fitness in Bethesda at least twice a week. And Bernard, our personal trainer? He's been making us hit the floor and giving him 10 at the beginning of each work out! (Granted, when Angie took off about 3 weeks for wedding stuff, the marriage, and honeymoon, I pretended I was their 3rd wheel and took off from the gym too.) But now we're back into the swing of things and we are starting to have more fuN in the old workout.

Bernard likes to put us through "routines", if you will. The first one we ever did was the Bavarian Dead Lift Shuffle. I won't try to explain it here, but trust me when I tell you (a phrase from my beloved former anchor Andy Mehalshick's mouth at WBRE), Angie and I look like complete WACK-A-DOOs when we do that thing.

Just a few weeks ago, Bernard had us doing this thing where we kept our hands and feet on the floor, bent over, and we would have to walk our hands out in front of us and then after that have our legs walk back up to our hands, pausing to get a good stretch up our hamstrings. I (foolishly) suggested "Bernard, why don't you maximize the exercise and throw in a push up at the bottom?" to which Bernard agreed. My prize? I get extra firm pecs and a new exercise named after me: The Martucci Maneuver. Here is the video below (deep breath for me -- it ain't flattering -- special thanks to Angie for trying to shoot it the best way possible!)

Next up? Bernard shows us Corkscrew Hip Extensions! This works your abs and obliques. (Personally I think anyone doing this looks like a bug getting squashed.) Have a LQQK...

While I have been working out because I want to have a healthy lifestyle, I'd be lying if I failed to tell you that I have a fear of going wedding dress shopping. I want to slim down some before I even set my foot inside "Hitched" in Georgetown (my BFF, Angie, scoped it out for me...) Speaking of wedding stuff, please look at my poll on the top right of my blog and tell me what I should write about in my next "Wedding Watch" blog update. Vote for one of the choices or send me your own comment with what you want to hear about...

I'm off to the Lyndall Stout Baby Shower next! Remember that? Well the weekend has come and it's up to me, and gal pal Diane Lee, to pull it off. Thank you to all who have sent in their ideas...I'll be sure to update you over the weekend!

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At May 2, 2008 at 11:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Martucci maneuver looks like a way to avoid doing real push ups. C'mon Dooch, drop and give me twenty!!!!

At May 2, 2008 at 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Martucci Maneuver looks like a way to avoid real push ups. C'mon Dooch, drop and give me twenty!

At May 2, 2008 at 11:41 PM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Shhhhhhh! Don't tell! FYI, people with smaller levers have a physical / mechanical advantage over other with longer levers wrt pushups...

At May 8, 2008 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I see you're trying to slim down for the big day. Have you tried incorporating swimming into your work out routine? It's a good way to lose weight and it's low impact. Most notably, it breaks up the monotony of running, etc.

Rock on! Paul

At May 8, 2008 at 10:21 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Hi Paul,
I couldn't agree more that swimming is an EXCELLENT way to slim down. The only problem is that I did the swimming thing when I hurt my foot running a half marathon a few years ago. So, I switched to the gym's pool. I'll never forget seeing an old man come out of the sauna, jumping into the far lane and then BLOWING HIS NOSE IN THE WATER. I seriously gag thinking about that. It makes me think "I don't care how much chlorine is in the pool, I don't want to be swimming with what I just witnessed coming out of that man's nose". So, while I am sure most pools are clean (fingers crossed?) that stigma has ruined swimming for me...I tend to row as a good cross training cardio workout... Thanks!

At October 26, 2010 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, nice post.


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