Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Good-bye 2006...

2006 is a few short days away from closing out and I’m just sitting here, putting the forecast in “Cruise Control” all week. Thanks to the good folks at The National Weather Service, here are some stats about the last 30 days:

  • The time period from November 27 to December 27 was in the top 10 warmest for that span of time.
  • We were not alone, that also holds true for Baltimore.
  • DC has temperature records that date back to 1872.
  • 2001 actually had the warmest 30 day period over the same dates in DC.
  • 2007 will ring in on a very soggy note.

As I look ahead towards the first week of the New Year, I see no real cold air in sight. I have to admit that I like my utility bills lately. I also like that I don’t have huge “salt rings” on my black suede boots! Oh, before I forget, it has come to my attention that my dear old dad regularly reads my blog. So, this one’s for you, Pop! I love you and happy New Year!

Be safe everyone. Thanks for reading my blog and watching us in the mornings (tell your friends!) I’ll see you back on the air on January 2nd.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Late Night Wrap

It is 2:02 AM. Normally, anyone who knows my morning routine would say "Big deal -- You're normally up at that time, right?" Actually, no. I normally get up in about 15 minutes. I didn't get up early, either. I'm up because I am on vacation and staying up very very late. You know what? I LOVE IT! Yup...all week long. I'm going right back into night owl mode as if I never left.

I just thought I'd say "Hello" from vacation and let you know that I am catching up on a year's worth of sleep. Don't worry, I've left you in good hands with Howie. I'll be back next week. Now I have to get back to my dilemma: Where did I leave my Scotch Tape??? Ugh.

Happy wrapping!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Where Has Winter Gone?

Technically, meteorologists have been in “winter mode” since December first.  We consider the winter months to be December, January, & February.  Here we are, day 15, and a check at the climate data shows us on the “plus” side of the equation.  We even had a colder than average stretch of weather between the 3rd and 9th, but despite that our highs and lows still come out to be about 4 degrees warmer than average.  Looking ahead the next 7 days, there is no real cold weather in sight.


Meanwhile, out west, the Pacific Northwest has been pummeled with powerful storms.  The jet stream has been slamming in moisture from the Pacific and then running rather “high” and dry across the lower 48.  This fast, “Zonal”, flow in the atmosphere keeps the cold stuff locked north in Canada.  Fronts that come through here have little upper level support and do little than to bring us some rain and switch the wind direction around.  I see this pattern persisting into next week.


In other news, my buddy Bill in Newland reported some Northern Lights spotting Thursday night.  He said they looked green.  *I* am green with envy.  I fancy myself celebrating the Winter Solstice up in Iceland checking out the Aurora.  But my reality check has me frantically cleaning my house in anticipation of my relatives coming over for Christmas…


Happy Holidays to all of you!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yikes!!  Has it been that long?  Sorry for the tardy update.  You know you are in trouble when the WUSA Webmaster threatens to cancel your blog (wink wink to Rick.)


Okay, here’s your weather scoop:  it’s COLD!  I think living down here has kind of turned me into a weather wimp.  I once was hardy.  I once worked in Buffalo and plunged myself head-long-first into Lake Effect Snow (LES) live shots!  Now, here I am wondering if the small chance of a flurry Thursday will induce a panic.  If you are a snow lover, then your best odds for seeing a nice accumulation of an inch or more by Friday is to head to Deep Creek, MD.  As some lake moisture gets pushed up the mountain ranges far to our west, it gets wrung out like a sponge.  Happy skiing to you if that’s in your game plan.


In other news…I have a holiday party to attend and absolutely nothing to wear.  Sound familiar?  I found my favorite stand by dress, however, it is looking a little small these days.  Note to self – lay off the mashed potatoes…