Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Mike Walter is Nuts

What is up with Mike Walter blogging virtually EVERY DAY??


He has pointed out how crazy-for-blogging Dave Statter is, but I am beginning to wonder what motivation is behind Mike’s new found love for the web log?  If you read his latest update, he makes a vague reference to a phone call that awakened him during his precious nap.  That would be me.  He knows I read his blog, so, this is a little dig at me for awakening him.  But here’s the REAL DEAL:  Mike called me, begged me actually, to call him back with some important information.  You see, he needs to get his car worked on and wanted to know the name of “my guy” because I have raved about them and how they keep my hybrid running smoothly (hats off to Drew at Alexandria Toyota.)  Mike didn’t say “Hey Kim, I’m going to be taking a nap, so don’t call me back until X.”  Nooooooooooooo… his message was all “I really need to get this done and need your help.”  How was I to know he would be napping?


Now before you go thinking I am picking on Mike, I am not.  We are very good friends, so when we give each other grief, trust me that it is all good natured.


Hmmmmmm…what else can I share this Friday morning?


I need to post a picture of my cats at some point.  They are like my children (yikes – I am the single woman with cats!!!)  I love them.  Anyway, they both battle it out for who gets to sleep on me vs. who gets to sleep next to me.  The one that won last night proceeded to circle around and then plop herself so that her backside was right up against my head.  What is the deal with that?  Is it a respect thing – is she DISrespecting me?  Is it an Italian “Godfather” kind of thing where she needs to always face the door while in the room?  Whatever it was, it wasn’t working for me.  I would scoot her off me, but before you know it, she would climb right back up and it would start again!  Rolling on my side seemed to end that little routine.


I might update my blog over the weekend (I know you’ll be on pins and needles until I do!)  See if MIKE does that….


At August 9, 2007 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all seem to get along so well, your friendship shows. What happened to Nicole O'Brien? Tracy Metro needs to stop saying so many "umms" before she loses viewers.

At August 21, 2007 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So where is Tracy Metro?

At August 29, 2007 at 2:13 PM , Blogger Jam said...

I'd also like to know what happened to Nicole. I slept in all summer I finally got back in the groove of getting up at 5:00am and someone replaced Nicole with computer animation. That really stinks. One day there may not be a need for any of us. Very Sad...

At September 14, 2007 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry about being a single woman with 2 cats as children. I'm a MARRIED woman, with a dog and cat that RULE THE ROOST!! This is my first time at your blog. I'm actually looking for your LOSER purple dress (or was that gown..I was only on my first cup of coffee when I heard that)...


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