Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


You might think that this blog is more chatter about my cat, Bubbles (actually come to think of it, I spent my last cat update on my other cat, Boodie), but think again. This is my other favorite Bubbles. They are actually two "mountains" (and I use the quotes because I discovered Ben is a wee bit of a mountain snob having lived and hiked a chunk of the Pacific Northwest...but I digress...) just north of Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park.

They frame any picture one takes from the Jordan Pond House (home of the BEST Popovers this side of the Atlantic) and facing north. Better yet, they are reflected in the Jordan Pond itself. You can take a nice leisurly hike around the pond to the base of North and South Bubble Mountains. Ben and I did this and up we went to South Bubble. It is the shorter of the two mountains by 106 feet, and normally I would have opted for the higher one with an excellent view of Eagle Lake to the north, but it is South Bubble that has an ERRATIC! (Erratic: A glacially-transported rock that has been deposited some distance away from its point of origin and now rests on bedrock of a different type.)

Whenever I would come to the park with my family in the past, we would drive by the parking area for "Bubble rock". You should see this thing -- from far away, it does look like a bubble sitting on the mountain. About the size of a garage, it is precariously parked on the edge of a ledge. You might find yourself staring up and wondering if it would be the rock or the people probing the rock that would come tumbling down first!

When I heard stories about various football teams making the hike to see if they could push it over, I got nervous! But this sucker weighs TONS (don't ask me how many, but it's more than any football team can maneuver) and this charming rock ain't going nowhere!

Here I am trying to push it over...I am even leveraging myself by planting my feed on the ledge behind me. Then good old Ben thought he could scale it. (I will spare you the thought BUBBLE above my head about Ben and his attempts at this BUBBLE that ensued in a bit of an argument.) But there it stayed. I would imagine it would take an earthquake to move it. That, or lots of erosion from the ledge supporting it.

So if you ever find yourself in Acadia, be sure to call ahead to make your reservation at the Jordan Pond house (or show up at 11am and wait until 11:30 to be first) and get some lobstah stew and popovers. Then take a nice leisurely walk half way around the pond (1.5 miles) and then up South Bubble (not so good if it's warm and you have a belly full of creamy stew come to think of it...)


At August 22, 2007 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, Popovers!!

Beat until smooth:
1 cup milk or soy milk
1 cup sifted white flour
¼ teaspoon salt
Add: 2 beaten eggs

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Spray some muffin tins with cooking spray. Fill the cups three-fourths full. Don’t overload. Bake for 15 minutes at 450 degrees and then lower heat to 350 degrees F. and continue baking for 20 minutes longer. Serve warm with jam, honey and/or butter.



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