Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I don't exactly remember the first time I met Dale (that seems strange given his personality), but it wasn't too long after that meeting when he said
"You should let me do your hair -- I can make it look so much better."
Let's just say Dale is not bashful; I like that (to a point ;-0 )

I find that there are some people (thankfully) who like me a lot, but, it isn't necessarily because of my accuracy in forecasting, or my "bubbly demeanor", but rather, it's my hair. In a strange way, my hair has come to define me, much moreso here in DC than in any other TV market.

"How tall are you?" still ranks as the number one question I get asked. But quickly coming up on its heels is "Who does your hair?"

Meet Dale -- my stylist, my harshest critic ("I am in town watching you right now and your hair sucks! We need to do something about it RIGHT NOW!), and my friend.

I have to laugh because I can see him getting "into the zone" towards the end of my appointment. When my hair is finally colored (you didn't think all that red was real, did you?), washed (some 5 times because as Dale likes to say "You have so much freaking hair Kim!), and trimmed, Dale gets into the moment... the moment where he becomes one with the hair. I can see it in his eyes -- he looks straight ahead into the mirror. Slightly sucking in his cheeks, he makes this face, almost as if *he* is wearing the new do. He'll flick his head to the side, toss his fingers through my hair to get it to fling just right and there he goes...right into the ZONE.

I was able to take an action shot or two the last time I was up in Dallas, PA. I've never travelled so many miles to get my hair done -- for ANYONE. I guess it speaks to his talent. LOVE YOU DALE !! (Now let's hope the next time I'm late, he'll remember this blog update...)


At August 24, 2007 at 9:15 AM , Blogger Travis Sparks said...

LOL, it proves that we "do" it better in NEPA... I see you're doing a great job at 9, keep it up.

I'm plugging your blog on mine... in the spirit of the blog cross-promotion you guys enjoy.

Take care... we miss you up here, but I only have to travel down to Shippensburg to see 9 on cable.

T-102 Pottsville

At August 26, 2007 at 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I listen to Sparks After Dark all the time on my drive up to NEPA!

So good to hear from you, Travis. Give NEPA a big KISS from me!!

At August 27, 2007 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,
You need to keep Dale around . . .he did a wonderful job on your hair!The style is perfect for you.(Not that you didn't look fine before.)
M. Cullumber

At August 27, 2007 at 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy watching you every morning (5:15 - 6:20) as I get ready for work. Your info is very important and your big bright smile just sets me in a good mood. My wife thinks it's because you are so pretty, but there is more to Kim than just good looks. Keep doing what you do well on ch. 9, and I'll keep watching. Smiles, Jerry.

At September 10, 2007 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I watch you every morning. And every morning I say to myself, I wonder who does her hair. I'm going to keep it real. I'm an african american woman and one thing that we take most pride in is our mane. Your hair looks so thick and healthy. And I just love that RED on you! Everyone can't wear that. Good hair stylist'S are hard to come by. Dale's a KEEPER! In addition to your hair I just love your humor. Oh, and your weather forcast is always on point :-) Put in any order you's all good! Your wonderful.


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