Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I have really come to enjoy kayaking. I especially like it when I can hop out of the boat and go for a swim along the way. Bonus points if I don't have to worry about snakeheads... The Delaware River (far north in NY state) is a favorite place because I feel it is far enough upstream above any pollution. September is a great time to go because the water is pretty warm. The river is deep enough to get a good ride, but shallow enough in spots where you can actually walk around the river rocks along the bottom.

Ben came along over the weekend and had a smooth trip, save for the few bumps his kayak took from unsuspecting rocks just below the surface of the water. I actually took one rock directly headlong first when I wasn't paying attention and either singing or talking to Ben while looking at the side. I could see how easily it would be to pop a hole in that thing, so I recommend buying the extra insurance when you rent.

One thing that initially made me feel uncomfortable was when the young lady at the launch site cautioned everyone that it was eel season and to stay away from the "Y" shaped eel traps in the river. "What the???"

Towards the end of the 6 mile trip, there is a cliff with a "no jumping" sign where, naturally ,everyone was leaping from its steep edge. This is a "must do" for me every year. It's not because I like it, rather, it is scary and I feel like I have tackled a fear when I do it. It generally takes about a half an hour for me to make the 12' jump (estimated.) Meanwhile, folks are busy jumping from the higher cliffs which is good because it distracts from me just sitting there like a dork with my blue life vest on and parked firmly on the edge of the "little cliff" below. Some years it is worse than others -- little kids come running up the rock and jump without fear right next to me or they wait for me and the crowd of people canoeing/kayaking/rafting by and hanging out start taunting me: "For crying out loud JUST JUMP! You're holding up the little kids!" I H-A-T-E that! Luckily this year it didn't happen. After 30 minutes or so, and a lot of shaking from fear and being cold, I told myself I would just stand up and go after the next large cliff jumper went. And I did. (On a side note, Ben passed a small boyfriend test in that he did not give up on me after jumping the tall cliff and head for the warmer sun on the other side of the river.) was close "Kim either jump or let's go!"

Another year, another jump. Maybe someday I'll graduate to the tall cliff. NOT!


At September 10, 2007 at 8:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, this post is hilarious! I totally identify with the hitting of the rock head-on whilst being distracted.

My husband, who is a big fan of yours, too, and is a Wilkes U. Graduate, is a kayaker. So years ago I started taking lessons. One of my first fast water trip was on the Potomac at Great Falls.

After a bunch of wet exits, class 2 and 3 rapids upside down, and bloody, hamburger meat knee caps, I portaged my boat to the parking lot, wet and drooping. The boyfriend (now husband) laughed for an hour. Ahhh, the life of a Yakker!

Again, hubby and I love sharing our little "guess what Kim said today" facts about you and love watching the show - that whole broadcast totally perked up and became watchable when you showed up. You changed the tone of the whole show and we love it!

Oh, and now we live in BERRYVILLE, and appreciate that you refer to the Winchester area (Come visit Berryville with Ben, you guys will love it), and also I love it when you mention Deep Creek Lake, where i spent all my summers growing up.

LOVE Ya, Chickie. Keep up the Good Work



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