Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, January 28, 2008


We have so many talented people who work here at Broadcast House. You will often hear me refer to "Chris the Floor-Director-who-is-also-a-Meteorologist". Of course there is Tranice-I-Can-Single-Handedly-Snap-My-Fingers-During-a-Show-and-Convey-a-Specific-Message; She's a fashionista. And finally, we have Vera. A few weeks ago I spotted Vera showing our JC Hayward a painting she had created. It was a copy of a photograph and looked nearly identical to the picture. What talent!

I decided right then and there that I wanted to be her first client and commissioned her to paint Boodie and Bubbles, my cats. You may have seen their picture before on my blog -- I actually got them to sit *next* to eachother without a HISS-A-THON on my favorite blue chair. Imagine that! Vera was game and off she went to create a masterpiece. She took some pictures of the process she uses to paint. I asked her to explain to us how she goes about doing her work.

"Well, I've always been artistic but never did anything until recently. I find it a challenge. I've always liked puzzles, visual challenges and Illusions. I treat a canvas like it is a puzzle and all I have to do is put it together." "You have to have a real eye when it comes to depth and perspective. I think through time, it might get easier for me to understand. As of now, I am planning to further my interest with a minor in fine art at Towson University in the fall."

"First I receive a photograph. Next I sketch the image onto the canvas." "After its actually on the canvas, I'll study the photograph and try to copy it as best as I can. You start to recognize certain shapes and colors. Also, the paint I use are oil paints. I have basic colors like yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, black, and white. So it's fun to mix colors to try to find that puzzle piece I'm missing, and make it fit right in to match the photograph. When I am finished painting I leave it to dry for 2-6weeks depending on how large the canvas is. Oil takes long to dry."

My cat portrait is still curing and I expect to get it soon. The final version is the picture just to the left above. I have also included the original photograph from which Vera sketched and then eventually painted just below and to the right.

Do you have questions? Are you a budding artist and want to pick someone's brain? Vera would be happy to chat with you. Here is how you can get a hold of her:

Heads up, though, you might have to take a number. Lots of folks here at the station are getting in line, she's *that* good.

You go girl!


At January 28, 2008 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I love reading your blog.
Keep em coming also you have some pretty cats.

At January 30, 2008 at 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

vera ...atticus is so excited about his portrait. he can't even sleep at night.


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