Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I got an email on Monday giving me a "heads up" that I would be leading an exercise segment on 9 News Now at 9am and that I should be prepared by bringing in my work-out clothes to the station for Tuesday and, by the way, it is with an "amazingly gorgeous trainer" (my co-worker's words) named Laurent Amzallag. The segment would focus on, naturally, getting fit. But this had another emphasis -- getting a bride-to-be as fit-as-can-be before she says "I DO".

Enter Angie: Wedding Date APRIL 2008

How convenient that she is also my work-out partner.
You can tell Angie 1000 times that she LOOKS FANTASTIC, but she'll find something to worry about. Funny, Kristen (who works the assignment desk and who is also getting married in a few months), is the same way. BRIDES...

Before the show, I chatted with Laurent (yes, my co-worker was correct, but I only HAVE EYES FOR BEN! THUMP THUMP goes my heart!) He gave me a brief overview of what we could cover during the live interview to follow... Have a LQQK below!

I don't know about you, but I'm a "bullet points" kind of gal. "Just give me the headlines." This isn't always the best rule to live by, but for the purpose of this blog, it will do quite fine. I asked Laurent specifically what are the


(okay, I asked for 5, but he only wrote up 3) we can do every day to see an immediate change in our bodies. HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT HE WROTE (using my "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" book as a surface to write on while sitting in our green room.)

  1. Watch what you put in your mouth. Calories in less than calories out.
  2. Here are key exercises that will change your body:
  • DIPS

3. Set realistic goals for yourself. You don't want to look like Heidi Klum or Jennifer Anniston. You want to look like you. Only better!

After a while, Laurent became interested in how I do the weather at the "chroma key" (the BIG GREEN WALL) and wanted to give it a try...

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At February 27, 2008 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Yeah I think realistic goals is key. Also I think (as I'm no dietician) that what you put in depends a lot on your metabolic rate (what you burn). What ever that may be, "you are what you eat". So that as well fits into realism.

Lastly... if you don't use it you lose it. So if you had muscles or were fit once, you lose it when you stop or slow down.

Sorry about all these opinions! Just reflecting out loud.

About the GREEN WALL!
You use a monitor as a reference, yet the whole affair seems so abstract. Pointing at an area that is all green to you, but shows the map and all its data. Just so wild to visualise and a study in left and right brain waves or thought patterns. (that's me thinking about thinking) LOL

I have to laugh at myself sometimes...

At February 27, 2008 at 4:13 PM , Blogger Kim M. said...

So...Yota...Are TV meteorologists (wrt the Green Wall) right brain or left brain types? And what is the difference?
--Weather Kim

At February 27, 2008 at 7:47 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Disclaimer (just a HS degree here)

Left would be logic based, and right would be abstract (creative intuitive). People use both to one degree or another.

As for meteorologists and an aptitude for green walls? I'd say that would depend on how fast you grew accustomed to it as a method of presentation.
The research that went into collecting and describing the data would be more logic based.

So you use both, right side to make the presentation, but logic first to translate the data into the presentation.

At February 29, 2008 at 5:49 PM , Blogger Yota said...

HA! Just saw the Ya-La piece on the health segment, and learn you (wusa9) have a link on "Living Well".

Didn't see or notice you in the segment. Not bad though...


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