Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Angie and I had our usual "Ouch I am so sore...I don't know if I can work-out today" rant. We are still trying to figure out how we are supposed to "Enjoy the pain" as Bernard says. There are certain things I just DON'T LIKE to do.


They would be PUSH UPS and THE PLANK (more on that in another blog.) Angie isn't fond of ONE-LEGGED- SQUATS. "They make my legs go numb", she confides to me while standing at the chroma wall waiting for the traffic segment. "All I think about is the lactic acid that must be accumulating there." Well,


While I'm shooting ouch darts from my eyes at my work-out buddy who easily bangs out a set of 10 "real" pushups (as I labor through mine), Angie is thinking "Oh my gosh, I want to quit! But I WON'T!" when Bernard drags out the BiG BaD free weight for the one-legged squats.

What *is* a one-legged squat? You ask? Allow us to demonstrate as we try to get figure-skater-cut-quads:

When I used to row (Side bar, I actually trained with the US Rowing National Team after college, *thinking* I might go to the Olympics in '96...but that's a bummer story for another time....) our coach, Hartmut Buschbacher, really liked...NO, make that LOVED having us do ONE-LEGGED- SQUATS...over and over and over again. It got to the point where I remember going to the grocery store with my team-mates and while waiting for them to finish up inside, I would stand on the curb and start banging out the squats...we were nuts!

Bernard is fond of saying "Enjoy the pain". This applies to the one-legged-squat, too. In the Bernard Fit Bit below, Angie asks him the two things to remember to do while working towards your quad rhapsody.

The video below is a pretty funny story. Have you ever nudged the speed around on your treadmill because the person next to you was going just a little faster? Competition can be healthy, pushing you to challenge yourself more. But what if the competion is, well, yourself?
Do you know when a figure skater spins around and squats down on one leg with the other leg sticking straight out in front of them that that is a *very* fancy version of a one-legged squat? I think that maneuver is called "shooting the duck." I can't imagine doing that, but I do know this -- One-Legged-Squats are the fast lane to cut quads. The quest is on!



At February 23, 2008 at 3:35 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Girl, you crazy!

But I admire both Angie's and your own determination! (don't give up)

I mean you sound a little down about the pain and stiffness, but that just means its working (and I'm sure you know that).

Fortunately I chose a profession that although may not pay as well, does require me to be fit. Now if I could just change all my bad habits (and I do have a goal to do so), I can work on the parts that need it.

Anyways, just cheering you on...

Oh and yeah I thought it was funny how 'frank' Bernard was explaining "that is what gives you that nice butt".

I haven't looked at Angie's Blog much yet.. maybe I'll give it a peek. You need the competition... better than competing against yourself (had to do that).

Yeah that was funny too...


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