Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Happy Presidents' Day -- What a way to have the day off, huh? When I left WUSA, in northwest DC, shortly after 11am, I kept an eye on my car thermometer (not the trustiest measuring device on the planet, I know.) I did a double take when I got to the 270 split heading north to my beautiful Frederick, when the temperature was posting 72 degrees (!) It had jumped from 70 to 72 over the course of a minute. "We must be just ahead of the front", I thought to myself. Cumulus clouds were building on the north / northwestern horizon. "We must be spiking right before the FROPA", I kept thinking. (FROPA is old weather speak for "frontal passage".)
I continued northward to where I call home, Frederick, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the thermometer. Below is my

Don't get too used to this weather, though. Come tomorrow we'll be a
(not broccoli!) 20 degrees or more from the high... SIGH.


At February 18, 2008 at 6:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Kim - you're the only local meteorologist whose forecast was warm enough today. What a great day here in Oakton! Come on Spring!


At February 19, 2008 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! I love that you're using video in your blogs! I teach technology to 1st through 4th graders, so I love anything having to do with computers, cameras, iPods, you name it! And red velvet cake...yummm! I had never had it until last year, and had a huge piece when visiting Knoxville. We'll have to stop in Frederick on our way to Deep Creek next week! :) Have a great Tuesday!


At February 19, 2008 at 6:52 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

You'll have to let me pick your brain about MACs...I think I want to buy one b/c of its editing capability...What do you think? Definitely try Proof's velvet cupcakes...ALL ABOUT YUM!

At February 19, 2008 at 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kim, I LOVE, LOVE my MacBook Pro. Two of my friends had bought them before I did and now there is no turning back (and when our Dell goes to Heaven, I'm going to lobby for a iMac Desktop. My mom has had a Mac for over 20 years and loves it too!) I'm really trying to learn all I can about it as well as the new Canon XTi Digital Rebel I received from my husband for Christmas. The Mac is awesome for working with photos and other media ~ my two friends have created photo DVDs of their kids to give to grandparents for Christmas. I made a photo dvd of my younger son's Spring soccer season to give to other members of the team. The software Aperature is supposed to be one of the best ~ I use iLife '08 (and my Canon came with software to edit photos that I haven't even touched yet!). Feel free to ask away! I don't mind! Also, another good resource is to go to the Apple Store. I also bought the extended warranty which covers 3 years of support (you lose support after 90 days, I think). I'm just watching the commercial for the MacBook Air ~ so cool! Here's a secret ~ go to, sign up/log in and go to the refurbished area of the "Store". My MacBook Pro is a refurbished one! Not one problem with it! And we WILL get to Proof!!!! I left my cake in my friend's fridge in Knoxville and I didn't realize it until we were to far on our way home!!!!!! Narmeen


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