Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


When I travel to Northeast PA, I feel like sometimes I am travelling back in time. Take for example the seasons. As the days get longer and we approach highs in the 60s here in DC; It is always a season behind up there.

But this weekend was especially surreal when I replay the things that have happened. It is almost like I have lived through a dream where things are just a little "off".

For starters, there is my Christmas Tree. It stays up all year. I have been playing around with my digital camera and thought you might like to see it for yourself:

Come the summer months, OKAY, it does seem a bit ODD. I'll give you that. But here's where the story gets stranger. I was running around, doing some errands that brought me into CVS. While standing in line at the check out, I heard "You're Kim Martucci, the weather girl at WUSA." ???!!! At first I thought it was someone who recognized me from my old job at WBRE TV in Wilkes-Barre. But, no, this person said WUSA. As it turns out, Dan Nobel of Annapolis (see last video) was up in NEPA, visiting his family.

Now, let's fast forward to later in the evening. Logo Man tagged along for the trip (he needed a retreat from his busy Dupont Circle life). After watching a few movies (Breach (yay) and Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End (nay -- 3 hours was entirely too long), not to mention a FABULOUS day of good old Main St. America shopping (check out the great vintage pieces I picked up for a STEAL!),


and a yummy bargin-priced-cupcake-pick-me-up at Sweet Eden (celebrating its first year of business), I took Logo to the Fireside Restaurant. I briefed him for what he was about to experience: good food with the cocoon of 70s style decour replete with LIVE OrGaN MuSiC. Stepping into this restaurant is like stepping back into your favorite childhood restuarant (if you're a Gen Xer) - a vegetable plate on the table to start, what I imagine was once dark wood panelling that has since been painted, and just a warm family feeling. But the LIVE OrGaN MuSiC. -- THAT is the best part and the most surreal for me. Some of the songs we heard were: Billy Joel's Love You Just the Way You Are, Girl From Ipanema, and an instrumental Muzak Elton John piece. Here's a look around at Logo and the Organ Man:

Mind you, when I "retreat" to the Poconos, I rid myself of my normal routine -- full hair and makeup. GONZO. So what do I care if I'm out to dinner with my buddy, eating at my 70s cocoon restaurant, and wearing my cobolt-blue-workout-pants-and-leopard-print-fuzzy-hat-because-let's-face-it-it's-20-degrees-out-and-honestly-who-wants-to-do-their-do-on-the-weekend attire -- what do I care? Well, I kind of care when I RUN INTO ANNAPOLIS MAN AGAIN! Yes!!! Here goes the conversation with Logo at the dinner table:





Sure enough, there is Dan Nobel again. This time, he's eating with his entire family -- mom, 2 brothers, & sister. So I went on over and chatted away with their family. This time I had my camera with me and shot some video of their clan. Enjoy the LIVE ORGAN background Muzak! Stay tuned for their click on Tuesday...


At February 18, 2008 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a gr8t story and gr8t trip! i want to come next time!

Jolene in Vienna, VA

At February 18, 2008 at 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,
Meeting you was great, a really nice surprise to my retreat weekend. Yes, I do watch you every morning before going to work in DC. So of course, I recognized you. You're the best, even better than Topper. I do however, want to set the record straight, no pun intended. I only have one brother named Bill. Tim is my partner not my brother. The "Fireside" by the way is special to my family, since my dad played the "MUZAK" there in the sixties through the eighties. He was a drummer in a local jazz band. They played there every Saturday night for years. The place has somewhat changed over the years, except for the food. It has always been uncommonly good. I have many favorite memories of my hometown and meeting you will now be one of them. It's true, life is stranger than fiction and especially in small town America. May we meet again. Until then, may you have Happy Trails and Fair Weather, Dan Noble

At February 23, 2008 at 11:54 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Hi Dan!
Sorry about the confusion over Tim! That is so neat about your dad and the organ music; That is the number one reason why I like the Fireside. Don't get me wrong, the food is great too, but the music brings me warm memories from my youth. Perhaps I'll see you on I-81 some weekend filling the car up, if not in one of our awesome Pocono hot spots! Best to Tim and your family.
--Kim M.


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