Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I love love love these pictures! Can we just focus on Frosty for a second? Look at this sweet little dog! Yes, he is looking back at you with ONE EYE. Andrea also points out that he can't hear, either. Awwwwwwwww. And is that Daisy Dog trying to actually tell Frosty something? Doesn't Daisy know? Maybe she just likes to look at her sibling with those long ears and eyes all day long. Andrea also says that Kiwi is *always* smiling. ALWAYS. The only thing missing in this picture is Kiwi's trusted yellow ball. Perhaps that's what Kiwi's looking at...the yellow ball in the yard.

What can I say about Atticus? He looks like the focused type -- just like his owner, Angie. Shhhhhhh -- What was that? Did you hear that in the bushes? Is there a stick I should fetch or something? I swear I saw movement over there... Here's Angie's thought bubble, on the job at 9 News Now: "Wait...pull up camera 3 from TrafficLand...Is that a back up I see? Are those cars actually moving? No, they're RUBBER NECKING!

I have to laugh when I think about Mike and his dogs. Or, should I say Mike and his dog "Chester" and his daughter's dog "George". They're both sweet, but unfortunately, Mike hasn't gotten off to a good start with George. I have been told that when Mike gets up at 2 something to go to work, even though he is in the same room with George, George will sometimes growl at him like he's an intruder. Maybe that explains why he tends to leave his mark on Mike's suits..
By now you have heard about Boodie and Bubbles. I found Boodie down in Alabama (when I wasn't supposed to have any pets in my apartment; Her chronic desire to sit in the window ultimately did me in with Robert, my landlord...) I got Bubbles at a shelter in PA. Have you seen those dog food commercials that show a dog in a shelter waiting to be adopted? They're heart breaking! I urge anyone who wants to get a pet to consider adopting first. There is so much love waiting for you. I have absolutely NO REGRETS. (Plus if I ever have a "critter problem" they are my first form of radar...if your cat is fixated on a crack in the floor or staring all the time at the chimney, you can bet there is another animal living rent free in your house!)


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