Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Trip to the Middle East via MOBY DICK!

You have already met my good friend, Roya. You can read more about her, HERE. Last week, during the ice-storm-that-just-wouldn't-change-to-rain-and-caused-this-METEOROLOGIST-to-slide-*slightly*-off-the-road, I ended up having to cab it to and from work.
I met this wonderful cab driver who I got to talking with (I tend to get chatty) and learned that he put both his daughters through college (one is about to be a medical doctor) by driving a cab for a living. It was his number one priority that his daughters get an education (LOVE THAT!) (What I kind of left out is that he said his first wife wouldn't have cared if they just worked at a fast food joint forever). Anyway, I could tell that he wasn't born here as he definitely had a thick accent of some kind. He said "Guess where I'm from" to which I guessed "Turkey" (since I had been to Istanbul (not Constantinople -- see my TMBG thread below...) and he reminded me of the awesome owner of a bakery where I had bought THE WORLD'S BEST BAKLAVA (nope, it's not just a Greek thing -- Double T Diner has the second best!) He said I was close, just a country or two over and I would be correct. He hails originally from Iran, but has been in the US since 1970,before I was born (I'll leave it at that.) "A-HA!" I said, "Then you must tell me who has the best Iranian food in the DC area; I want to try it." Hands down, his vote is for Moby Dick. "Roger that", I said and then thanked him for a safe ride back to my disabled car.

But back t0 Roya. She, too, is originally from Iran. So I asked her "Where would you go for some yummy home style cooking?" Moby Dick was her choice. Before you know it, Roya, Angie and I were off to lunch. MIND YOU, we were fresh from a work out -- NO GLAM CAM HERE, but we're family, right? We don't have to be "on" 24 / 7 do we? Do we???
Here's a video tour and some QUICK DISH on DELISH Persian food. Have a look before you J-E-T OUT FOR SOME EATS! VROOM VROOM!


At February 21, 2008 at 4:27 AM , Blogger Yota said...

really cool...

The mix of cultures we are so lucky to have in America is what helps to makes us so unique. Not as unique now as we once were, but still...

We learn and experience so much from each other. I mean I've never traveled, and it's almost as though I don't need to. It's all right here!

But I did say... "almost"

I guess I mean you have to step outside in order to better appreciate what we have.

Moby Dick eh?
Call me Ishmael! (LOL)

Food looks great!

At February 21, 2008 at 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, Just love that you've added video to your blog! AWESOME!!

At February 21, 2008 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl you are working this blog. Love the lil vids. Keep em coming...


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