Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I'm nervous.

You know that book, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" that I like to read to school children that I visit? I could probably read that book, in Chinese, standing on one foot more comfortably than I could put together a BABY SHOWER. (I don't speak Chinese; I hear it is difficult to learn.)

Meet my girlfriend, Lyndall (find out how her name was "invented" in the second video below), and her wonderful husband, Dominic. I like to boast that I knocked some sense into Lyndall's head when, after receiving an amazing bouquet full 0f flowers and the Oklahoma State Flag that had been flown over the OK capital from Dom, that she'd be CrAZY not to date this thoughtful, smart engineer! Obviously, she SAW THE LIGHT. Phew.

Lyndall and Dominic actually PROPOSED TO ME at my good-bye dinner in Wilkes-Barre. HUH?'s so cute: Dom came over to my chair (I was sitting next to Lyndall) and he knelt down, between us, on one knee and said "Kim Martucci -- Will you marry us?" and slipped the most beautiful CZ I'd ever been seen right onto my finger! You can just barely see it in the pic to the left.

So maybe it is marital obligation that took over me in the video below:



My good friend, Diane Lee, has agreed to take on this "task" (for lack of a better word -- it's not bad, RATHER, it's just my "fraidy cat" talking) with me. Diane, Lyndall, and I all worked in beautiful NEPA (Northeastern Pennsylvania) and we are still close friends. Diane is now the morning anchor at WXXA Fox 23 News in Albany. Here's a picture of Diane to the right, while at Lyndall's bridal shower. As the picture indicates, Diane is CHOCK FULL O' PERSONALITY and HAS THE SMARTS to match. I'm a good team player, as long as I feel confident that someone *ANYONE* in the group


Dear Diane, she's our experienced hiker. Woo Hoo! I'll leave my compass behind!!

Here's some video of momma-to-be, Lyndall, in all her pregnancy glory!

Now, here's where *you* come in. I would like to ask you, find reader of the Weather Kim blog, for any ideas wrt throwing a baby shower. As you saw in the video above, Lyndall is expecting a BOY. She is not fond of making her guests play a ton of games. But, if there is something in particular that you think would be a hoot -- please let me know!

Some Lyndall and Dom facts:

  • She's from Oklahoma (loves the OK State Cowboys) and is a TV anchor
  • He's from NEPA and is a civil engineer / Penn State grad

Please feel free to leave me a comment. If you prefer to keep your ideas private, you can give me a shout at

Hope to hear from you!



At March 2, 2008 at 5:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Kim, one thing that we did when my oldest daughter had my first grandson "Lance" was on the invitations we asked each guest to bring a new copy of their favorite childhood book (Jennifer is a teacher) and to write a little note to the "baby-to-be", this gave Lance a great library of books before he even was born. There were only a couple of duplications and it was fun to see what everyone brought.

At March 2, 2008 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at a baby shower where the party host (this can be your job) taped paper to everyone's back and on the paper were names of famous moms - like Hillary Clinton. Each person then has to ask other people in the room Yes or No questions in effort to guess who they are.

At March 12, 2008 at 7:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kim...I'm a Bloomsburg student-turned-local and I used to watch you all the time! I just came across your name when looking up Lyndall's pregnancy...and I have a few fun little things if you didn't have the shower yet. First, it's fun to have guests all bring their own baby pictures and display them, then guess who's who. Also, for my baby shower my sister made a huge poster-size grid of weights and dates, with dates down the left side and weights across the top. People bet on them, and all the money in the bucket could either go towards the winner or towards the couple. It was so much fun, and the anticipation of who would win was great!! Hope this helps!

At March 12, 2008 at 8:51 PM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Hey Bloomsburg...
I LOVE your ideas. Thanks for sharing them with me! Tell me a little more about weights and dates...what were the ranges?


At February 5, 2011 at 8:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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