Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, April 14, 2008


If there is one thing I regret about my TV life, it is that I have never been able to work in the same TV market as where my Grandma, Oliva (you can call her Lee), lives. PLEASE don't get me wrong -- I love working and living in the DC area and don't have plans to move. BUT it would be nice if my Grandma could flick on the tube in the morning and hear her granddaughter tell her about the day's weather ahead. I don't get to see my Grandma enough. I miss her. I love her.

I have been slowly scanning pictures of Lee into my computer. How neat is this? She and her girlfriends used to take summer trips up to Lake Erie. They would pay one of their brothers to drive them from Pittsburgh and $7 would get them lodging for the week! Like me and my friends, they did goofy crazy socks! Times have changed...last year, my girlfriends and I flew down to South Beach from different corners of our country. And, while $7 barely bought me a tonic from our beach side cabana, we did lots of the same things that Lee and her girlfriends did -- we all shared in the cost of lodging, we all left our boyfriends behind for a few days, and we all enjoyed fun in the sun and lots of shopping!

I treasure my time with Lee. Over the weekend I sat down on her bed and interviewed her. You can click on the arrow below and play it too.

Lee met my Grandpa, Robert, during the Great Pittsburgh Flood of 1936. Not in a hurry to give up working quite yet, she challenged a law in place that required married women not to work. You go Grandma! Here is a picture of my grandparents. They shared a marriage that lasted over 60 years. They moved from Pittsburgh to northern NJ and started a family. My parents, too, have been married for over 40 years. So, as I look to build a future with Ben, I have wonderful role models blazing a trail ahead of me. I couldn't let this blog post without one GROOVY picture. It is of my parents from back in the 70s. I think my Dad gave up the comb over shortly after this...

By the way, if you are ever shopping at the Bergen Town Center, in Paramus NJ, be sure to pop into the Carmelite Chapel there. Ask for Lee. She's been a volunteer there for as long as I can remember. I spent many a weekend tagging along with her, arranging items in the shop and getting statues blessed by the priest. I'm sure she'd love to meet you.



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At April 15, 2008 at 6:00 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Couple thoughts came to me from your post Kim...

#1 cost of living.
Whenever I compare what we pay for things now as compared to what they used to cost, I factor in rate of pay, and the costs of other things. So where a meal may have cost you a nickle or dime then, you may have seen rates of pay at 20 cents an hour.

During the depression good jobs were scarce, and because there were no jobs there was no money to spend, and without cash no needs for more new business, and "no jobs". (vicious cycle)

#2 The law you mentioned
I applaud Oliva for her stand. It was an unfair discrimination. I do think the sentiment of the law was correct, but the specifics of it unjust.
But that was then...

The reason I like the law's sentiment is because I have felt our society or rather business and industry (or all of the above) needs to be compelled in some way to reinforce family in our nation. The problem being both parents working, where one should be there (of either sex) to raise the children.

I look around and see what has changed and the stress on our culture that is a product of these changes, and my conclusion is generally the family itself has become weaker for many.
I'm probably wrong, but I see a lot of examples in the news and elsewhere that call for better parenting early on. Then I see both parents working (hiring sitters or relying on daycare which undermines a paycheck), and not able to have the quality time necessary with their children.

Hope this comment is not out of place, it's just the way I think about things.

Anyways... I had an aunt, Julia.. She reminds me of your Grandma.
You would have loved her...

At April 15, 2008 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was sweet



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