Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Time to check in with one of my cats: Bubbles. She went MIA on me the other day. Of the two cats, Bubbles wears a bell. I like that. It makes it easier to locate her (at least if she's moving.) But things were a wee too silent the other day. You know what parents will say? If it is quiet when their kids are playing, someone is up to no good. Apply saying to pets. (Okay, maybe not most of the time as cats do tend to sleep 80% of the time or some crazy statistic like that.) Anyway, I searched and searched and searched and then I had that feeling:

I'm being watched.

(The last time this happened, I was living in Boston. First, my mom was visiting and thought Boodie cat got out. All over the neighborhood she searched only to realize Boodie was watching her from the bedroom window. On a different occasion, I was searching high and low and had that "I'm being watched" feeling. Sure enough I looked up and saw some fur in between the basket weave of one of the decorative baskets high upon my kitchen cabinet. Boodie may have felt secure, but her spot had been found.)

So it only came naturally to me, albeit late, to look up. And just who do I find peering down at me from her safe haven above the fridge? Bubbles. She was anchored firmly so as not to disturb her bell.

And to continue the animal theme...

I've been meaning to introduce you to Royal Fitness' new mascot! His name is Buddy and is just about one of the most adorable little dogs on the planet (next to Marty dog that is!) Roya brings her faithful companion to her gym every day. He gets plenty of exercise (I think she said he gets to run about 2 miles...can you imagine THAT on those little bitty legs?) I have some video of Buddy running. Afterwards, he was all too happy to conk out in his little cage in Roya's office -- he wasn't waking up for nobody. SNAUSAGES or otherwise!

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At April 16, 2008 at 9:49 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Yeah I had two, down to one now...

As kittens they were all over the place, up and down the drapes and rumbling in my desk drawers as I browsed the Internet (a decade ago).

Prior to that pair I had a lab, and she was beautiful as she ran along side me on the bike trails. Like a thoroughbred horse with the sheen of muscular fitness showing clearly through her shiny coat. I just made sure she stayed on the grass so that her pads were not damaged.
She was so well trained on a verbal leash. I stopped her more than once dead in her tracks as she ran, only by calling her name.

I love them all... even the ankle biters with little legs!

They give us so much while they are with us. They are family, friends, and entertainment. A useful annoyance at times because we need that as well.

I wish they could all live as long as we do, but that cannot be.

At April 17, 2008 at 5:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our one cat (of 3) Taffy sleeps up on top of the cabinets. She actually just jumps from the floor to the counter to the fridge and up real quick.

When Mom is making dinner (don't worry, cat hair isn't an issue) she will get on the fridge and kinda slide down the front to the floor.

She is the only one of our cats that go "airborne", the other two (Flatsky and Peppermint) mostly just stay on the floor, bed, or in the windows when they are open.

I can say Flatsky (my cat) is REALLY happy that spring is here and he can sit in his window.

Take Care,

Tybois Uphold


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