Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


It has been quite a while since I actually have been to my childhood home. Over the Labor Day weekend I had a chance to check out the house I grew up in Park Ridge, NJ. It's a modest 3 bedroom ranch. I was happy to see the tall pine tree on the corner is still there. The residents that replaced my folks have since cut down some trees (sad face) and added a chain link fence. But overall, most everything looks the same as when I last saw the house as I helped my parents pack up and move.

*That* day changed my view on things. While New Jersey will always be where I grew up, it wasn't until my folks sold the house I grew up in that I felt the house I own was really "home" for me. It's funny because as I unloaded boxes of college books and what-not from the the attic and into my car, a "passing of the batton" was about to happen that (at the time) I didn't realize. Actually, that is a nice way of putting it. What I didn't realize was that I was about to become a depository for all my parent's stuff while they transitioned to their new home in Florida. To this day, I *still* have many of their belongings in my house.

Now, having some of your parent's belongings does have its perks. I now have a small TV that I have "borrowed" in my kitchen. Likewise, when I needed a nail gun to put up some decorative trim, Pop's was right down on my work bench. And come to think of it, painting the foyer couldn't have been done without Pop's ladder, too!

But, that's where the love ends. I also have a BIG filing cabinet in the middle of my walk in closet (thank's mom). My guest room is strewn with moving boxes that for one reason or another cannot be put up in the folks may need something from them... But I guess it's a small price to pay for all the storage they gave me for 22 years, a free education, and unconditional love.


At September 5, 2007 at 11:33 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Well let's see...
I've had a few homes during my childhood.

First was in Falls Church, when we moved and I was about a year old, so no memories there.

Second was in Hagerstown, and that one I have fond memories of.

Last in Annandale, and that home left me with mixed emotions. Long and very personal story so I can't get into it.

I will say that home #2 was my favorite, because there we were a family, but we lost our heart in Hagerstown, as my mother was taken by cancer.

Hagerstown was an excellent place to grow as a child. Cops n robbers, kick the can, all the stuff kids don't do today because they'd rather play Halo or some other Internet game. Or... are indoctrinated to a sport or activity that is intended to keep them occupied in groups. (AKA soccer mom)-(prefered method of insuring good social upbringing)

Annandale was also fun, but never a place I missed. I loved my father and was always close, as were all my brothers.

Seeing the home in Hagerstown years later, it seemed much smaller, but then I was much bigger. I traced my walk to woodland way elementary, and checked out all my old stomping grounds. It was a part of my life I will never forget.

I have'nt been back in years. I'm sure it has changed. Everything has...

At September 6, 2007 at 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know exactly what you mean when you talk about visiting your former home.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the wife and I attended the "Dark Shadows" festival in Tarrytown NY. (You're probably far too young to remember that show weather girl!)

Anyway, it was only a short trip back to West Point NY where my dad was stationed when I was in High School. We decided to stay an extra day and drive up there and check out the old stomping grounds.

It didn't take long and we arrived at Highland Falls which is just outside the south gate of West Point and where my old High School is. The memories just started popping in my head like firecrackers.

I knew it was a long shot, but I thought we would try driving into West Point. When we got to the front gate, we were turned away. I told my wife, "They must remember me!"

I was very disappointed, but It was pretty much what I expected. It just reminds me of the freedom the terrorists have succeded in taking away from us. :(

It was a nice trip anyway. I found a HUGE shopping mall in West Nyak where the wife could get a shopping fix. (That's where the idea for the Hi-Def TV came from)

Oh well, at least we have our memories....They can't take that away from us.

Looking forward to your next Blog!

Keep up the good work!


At September 10, 2007 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The huge mall in Nyack is Palisades Center. Wasn't there when I was growing up across the Hudson in Westchester County.

Kim, you look like you are dressed for winter with those boots!

At September 10, 2007 at 8:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, thanks so much for the trip down memory lane to the Bergen Mall. I am a former NJ girl and lived in Cliffside Park. I remember Stern's being the big department store there and also remember my grandparents going to the chapel and a store there to get mass cards if my memory serves me right.Been awhile. The Playhouse on the Mall was also in that general location I believe and it was run by Robert Ludlum's wife. Fun remembering as best as one can times back then. Enjoy watching the show. Thanks again.
Marilyn, Leesburg, VA


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