Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, September 14, 2007


“Discovering Greece” — 2007 Wolf Trap Ball Pays Tribute to
Culture, Heritage and Beauty of Greece in Support of
Wolf Trap’s Local, National and International Education Programs

This Saturday my colleagues Andrea Roane, Mike Waler and I will head to a wonderful event at Wolf Trap. This Ball should raise more than $600 thousand for their non-profit local, national & international education outreach programs.

You can still purchase individual tickets for the 2007 Wolf Trap Ball by calling Wolf Trap Special Events office at (703) 255-4030.

Ben has bought a tux. Yup -- that was fun! He went with the classic 2 button option. He looks so good! Now I am left to figure out what I want to wear. Andrea pointed out to me that the invitation says "formal attire", so no shorter length options for me. Sigh.

In the back of my head I know I have an option hanging right in my closet. However, it kind of has a negative stigma to it in my mind. Let me share with you...

Back in 2000 (or was it 2001?) I was nomiated for a local Emmy Award out of the Boston Chapter that covers New England. I was high on life -- I had just completed a special report on Tornado Chasing and put together a tape that I thought would land me an award in which I could finally start all my station bios as "Emmy Award winning meteorologist Kim Martucci..." I was SO PROUD OF ME that I even FRAMED THE EMMY NOMINATION CERTIFICATE -- who does that??? How cheesy!! But there I was, a nomination in hand and a long purple gown to wear to the awards ceremony.

That evening, among my talented co-workers, some of whom picked up multiple awards, I sat at the table with my boyfriend at the time and anxiously awaited the "Best Weathercaster" segment. I was up against some really cool meteorologists. One guy wins the award almost every year! When the award was given to Mike Wankum (the multiple award winner), I sat there feeling like a goofball. All I could think of was "I feel like a big purple loser!" Mike really did deserve the award; He's the type of meteorologist that goes all the way in every broadcast -- makes weather really interesting. But since that night, I never felt the urge to wear that gown again. I call it the Big Purple Loser. It has survived moves to PA and MD, hanging in my closet. Lonely.

So, now I'm feeling like it is time to erase the negativity. Time to wear the Big Purple Loser and put a positive spin on it. I think the Wolf Trap Ball is the event to do so. If it doesn't fly, at least Ben will be looking good. Hope to see you at the Ball!


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