Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


My home town tour continues in this blog...

When I was growing up, I spent many hours at the Carmelite Chapel at the Bergen Mall in Paramus N.J. Since what seems like the beginning of time, my Grandma has been the head volunteer there, overseeing the gift shop. Yes, I said gift shop. It's in a mall, so it only makes sense that if you want to pray (at what I am imagining is one of the only malls in the country) then you should be able to shop, too.

I would often opt to watch "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island" after Saturday night Mass at St. Anastasia's Church in Teaneck while my mom, sister and Grandma would go to Bloomingdales. This weekend routine at Grandma's house would naturally lend itself well to me tagging along with her to the Chapel gift shop. While there, I would help her out: moving boxes, dusting various saints along the top shelf, pricing rosaries, answering the phone, enrolling people in the "Pious Union" (I'm still not quite sure what that is...file it under the same category where the definition of CCD resides -- was I the only Catholic kid that went to CCD every week and not know what it stood for???), and of course, taking chapel items back to the priests to get them blessed. When it came time to do "community service" while preparing for my Confirmation, I had an easy in at the Chapel. But back to the priests...

Most of the priests I remember from the 80s at the Chapel have since passed away or retired. I hear about the new priests from my mom and Grandma. But one priest I hear about A LOT. Father Eugene.

It turns out he was born the same year as my mom. I get the distinct impression that my mom thinks of Father Eugene as another brother. I met Father Eugene for the first time last weekend during a long overdue visit to my Grandma. I enjoyed listening to him and picking his brain (he's a history buff.) Did you know that Luther had the great idea of putting church hymns to regular beer drinking songs? They were easy to remember and quite a hit -- who knew? Father Eugene knew.

I know my Grandma thinks of him as a son, too. I think I remember learning that my Grandma would be the same age as his mom, if she were still living. It makes me feel good to know that he loves my Grandma like his mom. There is a very special bond there. It's funny how people come into your life as if they were meant to. It's all good.

Speaking of good, so is the Chapel. Should you ever be in Paramus and have the urge to attend mass AND shop, the Chapel has moved to a different section of the mall -- next to Marshalls and facing Route 4. OMG -- There is even a short "documentary" about the Bergen Mall on U-Tube! What a hoot! There is an entire part that shows the Chapel (in its old location in the basement.) Take a good look at those statues -- back in the 80s I kept them nice and dust free!

During their move to the new part of the mall, their internet connection was disabled, but they will have it up and running later this month. So let me take a moment to give a shout out to some of the familiar names I have come to know over the years -- Hello to Mary Artusio, Ann Pagano, Anna Campbell, Gertrude Kress, Marcelle Nelson, Lois Viola, & Father Dan. And to the rest of the volunteers, thank you for all that you do -- you are a special part of my Grandma's family.


At September 6, 2007 at 7:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! Great story! I love reading you blogs! And by the way, you're not the only who didn't know what CCD meant and went to it every week!!!!! Narmeen


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