Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Last week during our "Buzz" segment around 5:55 am we were joking about the "if you jiggle when you wiggle" line. At least I think we were. Truthfully, sometimes getting up at 2 something in the morning 5 days a week makes me wonder if I occasionally sleepwalk through the show...
But back to my original thought, or dreamt thought, or whatever. THE JIGGLING. I don't want to jiggle. Ever. But I am human. I know I am going to. Just *how much* jiggling, THAT is the question.

Enter Angie. She has motivated me. Angie is busy, focused on her upcoming wedding in the Spring. Needless to say, she is motivated to STAY FIT. (At least she's there...SIGH.) Together we are going to END THE INSANITY and stop the jiggle. OR, we will at least TRY to stop the jiggle. We have teamed up and are going to work out together at least twice a week.

Enter Roya. I love this woman -- She is an inspiration and FULL OF GOOD VIBES. "Can do" is the tude. Positive energy. Solid. "Kim, if you are going to work out, you need to make it important enough to schedule it in your black book." So I did...want to see? Have a look to the right. I even left in my "pay days" -- it's all real. What is also real are those days I plan on hitting the gym. They're not just in my black book, they're CIRCLED in my black book. I have been going to Royal Fitness for a few years; Whenever I fall off, I will get encouraging emails from Roya "Where are you?" And I am never lectured. I like that - it is like that unconditional love thing that everyone needs.

Enter Bernard. Bernard "the PLANK", our trainer, is all about our CORE. He's methodical and explains his philosophy to us: Keep your core as the focus. Do each exercise deliberately and S-L-O-W-L-Y. "If you are not feeling it, even with the lightest weight, you are not doing it right." We work out our larger muscle groups first, working our way down to the smaller ones last. Since Angie and I are doing the "2 sessions a week" plan, Bernard is opting for total body workouts in lieu of the more traditional kind where you might target back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, legs, and chest clumped into groups and spread out over 3 days.

We have committed. We have even changed our schedules to fit our workouts in (ie - I had to stay late and work the noon for Howard today, so we fit in an afternoon workout.) I feel like now that I have invested myself in this, where a friend is depending on me (and financially), I will not have such an easy time blowing off my work out.

Next goal? Get Andrea Roane to go to that scheduled Belly Dancing class with me...

Stay tuned!


At February 2, 2008 at 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UGHHHHHHHH KIM, If you can find the time to work that I'm going to hafta (really having to) start back working out toooo. I guess I just hafta make it happen....Here's to NOT JIGGLING

At February 6, 2008 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say Angie and you working with your trainer yesterday at the gym.
I was on my way to the 30 minute abs class taught by April. Looks like you guys were working up a great sweat, lifting the serious weights.


At February 6, 2008 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will love belly dancing. I took a couple of months of classes and even though I am overweight I was able to keep up, while working muscles I didn't know I had. There is also a bellydancing show on a fitness channel on cable. Just make sure to get a coin scarf so you will know you are shimmying good enough!

At February 8, 2008 at 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, you only jiggle in all the right places!! ;)

P.S. Ben = 1 lucky guy!


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