Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Here we go again...

SPRING RAIN floods out the little boroughs of our NECESSARY - BUT - OH - SO - SLIMY little friends: THE EARTHWORM!

YIKES in all it's capital letter and MEANT - TO - BE - HYPED glory!

It's not easy to avoid these little fleeing, workers of the soil. Don't get me wrong -- I know how important earthworms are. REALLY, I do. I just don't want to see them. LET ALONE POSSIBLY STEP ON THEM IN MY BARELY THERE FLIP FLOPS (that I soooo got on sale at H&M for $5 last month - shut up!) If there is one thing that can stop me cold in my tracks it is noticing a parking lot full of earthworms and the seemingly a p p r o a c h i n g infinity distance between that spot where I freeze and my parked car OVER YONDER.

Luckily for me, when this happened on Sunday, Big Ben was nearby (we had taken separate cars to a church lunch) and my handsome fiance came to my rescue and safely escorted me to my car in the Giant Parking Lot. You can watch the video below to see one 1/1000 of what I saw on my way to my car...

What ARE those rubber band things around the earthworm's neck, anyway? Listen to this: Your favorite wack-a-do is volunteering to go fishing with Big Ben, my nephew Zach, and probably the best pro bass fishing guide in a few weeks: Captain Steve Chaconas. A quick look/see over his website did confirm that he uses lures and NOT FRESH BAIT. Phew! But what on earth will I do if we catch the ever elusive snake head??? More to come on Captain Steve and that should-be-fun trip in a few. In the meantime, HEAVENS TO BETSY, don't wear your flip flops in our torrential rain! That is, unless you like brushing up against our little nightcrawlers... EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!

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At April 22, 2008 at 5:22 AM , Blogger Yota said...

Whenever I hear a story about worms I hark en back to a hilarious moment I spent on Vacation with my younger brother, his wife and daughter.
Wierd Al played this on whfs, and as we heard it we were litterally rolling with laughter.

We Are The Worms - Johnson & Tofte
(parody of "We Are The World" by USA For Africa)
contributed by Dave Smith

There comes a time
When the rain begins to fall
And the worms come out of the ground.
There are people walking
Oh, it's time to watch your step
Or your feet will make a squishy sound.

We are the worms
Out on the sidewalk.
We are the ones who make a squishy mess
So watch where you walk.
It's a chance we're taking
Leaving out homes underground
Though it's true we'll get a better tan,
Just you and me.

When we're laying 'round
Keep your eye out on the street.
If you don't look out,
You'll have worms under your feet.
We realize
Oh, that the sun is gonna come
And we'll shrivel up like beef jerky from the heat.

We are the worms
Out on the pavement.
And when we hear a squish, we look around
To see where cousin Dave went.
It's a stance we're taking
'Cause worms are people too
And we sure don't want a better look
At your big shoe.

We are the worms
Out on the sidewalk.
We are the ones who make a squishy mess
So watch where you walk.
It's a chance we're taking
Leaving out homes underground
Though it's true we'll get a better tan,
Just you and me.

Oh, come on now, let me hear you.

We are the worms
Out on the pavement.
And when we hear a squish, we look around
To see where cousin Dave went.
It's a stance we're taking
'Cause worms are people too
And we sure don't want a better look
At your big shoe.

At April 23, 2008 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know they're good, but they are icky! When we have a really good rain and it's early in the season, they are all over the driveway and the porch! Yesterday, I was doing recess duty where I teach and several girls brought me worms! I calmly asked them to put them back in the garden!!!!

At April 23, 2008 at 11:34 AM , Blogger Kim M. said...

That was a nice, measured reaction, I'm sure! It beats freezing in place and screaming for help! I get shivers up my spine just thinking about being surrounded in the parking lot!

At April 23, 2008 at 9:48 PM , Blogger SherryBurns said...

OMG. Are you STILL freaking out about worms? I will never forget that eveening at my house in West Seneca, NY when it took you about 15 minutes to get the nerve to run to the car because of all the worms on the driveway. I think it is time for some Face Your Fears Worm Therapy. We need to tie you down and dump a gazillion worms on you and just let them slime all over you. Sure you would pass out, but after that you might be OK. How do you feel about gummy worms?

At April 23, 2008 at 10:02 PM , Blogger Kim M. said...

DOOCH! Why am I still awake at this hour? Yes I remember your HORENDOUS driveway, with WORMS EVERYWHERE! And NO I do not eat gummy worms...ONLY FAT FROGS! Tops never stops -- go Wegmans Bulk Food!. Make sure you don't eat the popcorn from the maching (In Suzy's office?) because we know people who don't regularly wash their hands dip into the container (!!!) eewwwwwwww! (Thoughts of Carl keeping track...) to Bed...Good Night Buffalo!

At April 27, 2008 at 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Kim, I thought about you today when I opened my garage door after church! I was taking trash to the can and when I opened the door there were FIVE LONG WORMS just milling about where the floor of the garage and the WET driveway meet. I almost took a photo to send to you, but I just couldn't do it! I almost froze, but sort of jumped over them on my way back inside, hoping there weren't any hanging from the bottom of of the door which was now above my head!!!! And, there were the usual ones on the porch.....I'm sorta glad it's going to get a bit colder for a day or so!!! I hope none of the children dig for them tomorrow on the playground!!! You wouldn't believe the creatures they bring to me! Or they just stop by my classroom and TELL me about them!!!


At April 27, 2008 at 10:38 PM , Blogger Kim M. said...

Narmeen!!! They could have been hanging over your head, then dropped and subsequently slid down your back!!! How will I sleep and *NOT DREAM* about this? Holy nightmares ahead...

At April 28, 2008 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yiikes! I didn't think about all that!!! Oh my and it's RAINING this morning!!!! I'm sure they're out there!!!! Then we have to deal with those who don't make it back underground and DRY UP! That's a big EWWWWWW!!!!


At April 28, 2008 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I just got home and stepped out of the car and thought, "Hmmm, no worms on the driveway." Well, when I got to the porch they're EVERYWHERE! I was telling my son to dodge them as he walked and held the storm door for me to unlock the door!!! A BIG EWWWWW!!! They're even on the mat and you can't wipe your feet! Yuck! I would've gone in the garage, but the alarm was set and, on second thought, after yesterday and the 5 that I saw, that might not have been a good idea either!!! Stop them!!!!!

At May 2, 2008 at 9:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on the engagement, Kim! We've not met, but I'll be somewhat related to you as I'm cousins w/Ben. I also live in the DC area, so I see you on tv from time. Maybe we'll actually meet someday!

Again--congratulations! And I love the blog...



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