Kim Martucci's Blog

Kim is so in love with the science of meteorology that her number one hobby is chasing tornadoes. On her most exciting excursion into tornado alley, she spotted twelve of the dangerous storms. The story she broadcast about that trip helped earn her an Emmy Award nomination as best weathercaster in New England.

Friday, April 18, 2008


My mind is darting all over the place as


has set in !! As high pressure idly floats by, all LAH - DI - DAH and taking its sweet time, our dearth of weather has had me thinking about a few different random things. But, come to think of it, RANDOM has become NORMAL for me. So here goes it:


I want. I need. I found this beauty that sold for $230 on ebay. SHUCKS. I missed it. Isn't it lovely? Vintage. Campy. Soooooo what I am craving right now. With my upcoming nuptials (alright, I have over a year to plan), I'm liking the idea more and more of having a few lawn games at my outdoor reception. This set would have been PERFECT. I'll be watching...


I was having a little too-much-fun over at It was there that I spotted these awesome ipod speakers that sent me time traveling back to 1979, when I would build the MOST AMAZING LEGGO TOWERS at my Grandma's house. Have a look - they run off the power of your ipod and no batteries are needed! At $25 bucks, I just might go see how much cash I have sitting in my paypal account...


BUMMER-A-DOODLE-DO! Like my ebay croquet set that got away, this, too, is GONE GONE GONE. Vera's line for Kohl's is really nice: u n p r e t e n t i o u s. I saw this bag and thought it would be perfect because it is a tote AND a messenger bag (I love love love messenger bags.) But when you go to click on it, sadly, it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. I can't even find it on ebay. SIGH. But it looks like there are a lot of other Simply Vera things to chose from at Kohl's. So, I'll check back later (on my own time of course!)

What are some of your obsessions? Let me know, I could adopt them! Have a great weekend and check back soon as I plan to pose another poll question about some wedding stuff. OH YEAH -- Ben and I have an appointment to decide on engagement pics TONIGHT. Stay tuned...

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At April 18, 2008 at 5:00 PM , Blogger Yota said...

Leave it to me, I had a lot of thoughts about summer toys.

We played croquet, and it was always fun in the afternoon and evening as the days were much longer. Bad-mitton, wiffle and volley ball; also I remember when slip & slide first hit the market. This was before we moved to a home with a pool...
It was more of a novelty fun experience than anything else. It couldn't compete with the more established games, but it was a lot better than playing in sprinklers as a kid.
Just stuff to do at home in the yard.

I can't really give you an obsession, but I can think of many more fun things to do for this time of year. The list is endless... from canoes or rowboats, to kites or bird watching nature walks. The area has so much to offer. None of them cost you much if anything at all and most are just around the corner.

Spring is here...

At April 23, 2008 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, about purses (Coach and Vera Bradley!), shoes, and all those tech toys ~ camera, computer, etc., etc! Oh, and let's not forget jewelry! After almost 21 years of being with my husband (17 of them married!) he's doing a great job filing my jewelry box!

As for summer toys....I love to watch my kids ride their bikes (bring back memories of when we rode as kids from early morning to late night!), kicking around a soccer ball, blowing bubbles, and the POOL!


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